This ESG nonsense only works for a company IF people buy their products. The Bud Light meltdown proves the power is in our hands. We need to use it consistently.

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Not only. We need to get the service called government work for us. We must create smaller better organized administration.

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Eliminating most, if not all, of the three letter agencies would be a good start.

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Calling for this here https://angelovalidiya.substack.com/p/international-organizations-destroy I believe that many people are gradually realising this, but we need to take action....

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We have two choices:

= Civil War II.

One can easily make a case, based on estimating the number of people comprising each category of our Mortal Enemies, that Civil War II would generate tens of millions of deaths. Some portion (25% perhaps) would be of our own people. Not nice.

= Divorce.

This means having two countries (America The Beautiful and Homo States of America) sharing the same geographical space. Our two governments would co-operate where possible -- for example, in many aspects of maintaining infrastructure.

Their citizens would be free to live their lives as they see fit -- drug addiction; free stuff funded by taxes; abortion on demand; medicaid for all; mandatory masks, vaccines, quarantines, etc; instruct children in homosexual sex techniques; whatever they want.

Our citizens would be free to live our lives as we see fit. We would only pay (minimal) taxes to OUR (minimal) government. We would be protected from any harm that HSA or its people might do to us. Our Citizen's Militia and our American Mossad would be our protectors.

America The Beautiful. Be ready to participate in its earliest stages.

Lock and Load.

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They all have two eyes, between which a bullet can find a home. They also have families.

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