Of course, there are vested corporate interests in the climate change deception. It's a big business that makes the rich richer and the regulars poorer. The wealthy pay to have their interests reflected in policies. They are subsidised for it. It is legal and is known as lobbying.
Corporations leaders make decisions affecting all aspects of our lives including so called green policies. The largest corporations also have an impact on the investments of smaller companies. It is a vice circle. The circle is led by people who have no human characteristics but an immense ego. People who believe that what they believe is good must be good, and we ordinary people are nothing.
I recently came across an excellent article about Blackrock, the corporation that owns everything, in the Bulgarian newspaper Trud. I doubt that this would be published in the Western media. I translated some of it in order to reach more people, so don't forget to share it.
It's no secret that Blackrock is behind the majority of investments in green policies and LGBT rights. However, the shadowy company's history is obscure and dates back about 15 years. It's 2008, the world is reeling from the financial crisis and the US administration is wondering how to save its economy - if the big banks fail, a financial apocalypse is coming. On the scene, like a superhero from a Marvel movie, appears Larry Fink. The elite in Washington see an opportunity to save their skins and give Larry billions, trillions of dollars to manage to save the big banks and bring the financial crisis to fruition - money is taken from the people, banks are bailed out, executives pocket bonuses, a single banker is arrested despite overwhelming evidence of fraud and absurd practices. Coincidentally, it turns out that Larry is the man who also invented the same financial instrument that largely led to the financial crisis.
It is 2020. A pandemic has been declared by the World Health Organization, the financial market is once again reeling from the state of the economy, and corporations are piling up debt. The US Government, this time more brazenly, decides to buy up their debt.
Who hires the government to do this job? Our hero Larry Fink, who once again turns out to be the man with the solution. Coincidentally, the U.S. is buying up debt of companies that his company, Blackrock, owns. That is, Larry is given taxpayer money to pay it off... to himself.
And the majority of the world still has no idea who Larry Fink or his company Blackrock are.
And have you ever wondered - why are LGBT values and gigantic investments in "green" politics being pushed even though they obviously don't appeal to people?
The answer is actually much simpler than you suspected - because the Blackrock have decided so and own the world, so their decision is law.
The investment firm now owns over $9 trillion in assets. That's $9,000,000,000,000,000. By comparison, Germany, the 4th richest economy in the world and the richest in Europe, has about $4.2 trillion in GDP. That is - Germany's entire economy in one year doesn't even reach half of Blackrock's value. Another comparison - if we take the 300 largest pension funds in the whole world, they have USD 6 trillion in assets, or only two thirds of the value of BlackRock.
How Blackrock is pushing LGBT values and climate activism?
Blackrock owns a huge number of shares in the world's biggest companies. With their stake, they control financial flows to corporations. Traditionally, an investment firm evaluates its investments by profitability - if you invest in a company and it makes you a profit, you'll invest more, you'll help, and you won't walk away. But Larry Fink decided that another criterion should be added - the mythical ESG or "Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance". In short, if you want a high score from Blackrock, you should invest in:
1. Combating climate change, i.e. Green policies
2. LGBT rights, i.e. participate in funding Pride parades and LGBT organizations
3. Having people of different races and ethnicities in your company, as well as people of different sexual orientations
The scheme is very simple and works flawlessly. If you adhere to Larry Fink's values, follow green policies and support LGBT rights, fund their organizations and hire people of all races, ethnicities, LGBT and whatnot - you will have money because you will be given high marks. If you don't - Blackrock retreats and the problems become especially serious.
Larry Fink himself, probably intoxicated by his power, even wrote a letter to businesses - invest in this or you will lose our support.
This is why corporations are making seemingly bizarre moves like investing in Pride or hiring LGBT individuals to represent them. Some also make ads with LGBT values. It may seem that they risk losing customers, but they actually gain investment.
Larry thinks it's all just his way of improving society. In many interviews he says he just wants to be considered a good person.
One thing is for sure - he has proven his ability to survive and patiently accumulate wealth. And there is a reason for that. While people are already starting to understand about ESG and while we are already starting to write about it, Larry has stated that he will continue to push the same values, but he will stop using the term and change the model he is getting companies to invest in. Years from now we may find out what Blackrock has been doing in the shadows again.
Source trud.bg
You may wonder why we are allowing Larry Fink or someone else to decide how we should live our lives?
He does it simply because he can. When he spots resistance, he changes tactics, but he never loses money and always gains more power.
The issue stems from the system. It's not democracy or capitalism, but techno feudalism, or whatever you want to call it. We're accustomed to supporting it despite knowing how wrong it is. We pay for green energy that isn't green. We pay for vaccines that are gene products that harm us. We pay for the gender cult to raise children who have no idea what they actually are. This type of society can only go downhill, and we can already see it.
We do have the ability to fix the system. Larry and the others are just regular humans like us. Humans who simply have more money. That's all. Their biggest weakness is their enormous egos, as well as the fact that no decent, intelligent person would work for them. Deceivers can only work with the same.
This is one of several articles aimed at helping you in combating the climate change agenda, which is being used to create global corporate enslavement.
I'm doing everything I can to reconnect the bright minds with my Genuine science journal, which will hopefully see the light one day. You can help a lot by sharing my articles, donating through my blog https://genuineprospect.com/, or becoming a paid subscriber so I can do my work.
This ESG nonsense only works for a company IF people buy their products. The Bud Light meltdown proves the power is in our hands. We need to use it consistently.
They all have two eyes, between which a bullet can find a home. They also have families.