Aug 16, 2023Liked by Dr Lidiya Angelova

For the first time in history,

Fraud and Medical

Malpractice belong in the same sentence.

Govt. Is putting us in harms way that is costing lives everyday.

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They did it in the past but not at global scale. Please share my post as much as you can. Nobody except me is talking about it. People need to know what to do.

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Do you know how Coronavirus started?

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Look into the Tuskegee experiment/study. Not the first time in history. Many other examples too. Start looking deeper into pharmaceuticals, truly we have been being brain-washed for a long time.

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At this scale it's the first time since 70 % of the humans were coerced to get practically poison and adding the blood contamination and newborns.... makes it

what?! I am not even sure how to call it.... https://angelovalidiya.substack.com/p/covid-19-vaccines-and-pregnant-women

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Aug 20, 2023Liked by Dr Lidiya Angelova

I'm not sure I believe the 70% number. I hope it is overestimated. Many lied about getting it. That said, agree a huge number did do this to my continued disbelief and dismay that so many would line up with a felony's product and say "sure, please inject me." (Some of the largest fines in history paid by big pharma and we should trust them why?) And it's a totally new technology and you didn't want to wait ? Is it not common sense to give it some time. Clearly I'm still in shock and need to get over it.

I live with someone who in the midst of a "routine" surgery, things went awry and 5 hours plus later, 4 units of blood were administered. We were both unv'd. He tried like heck to do blood donations for this remote possibility-it was a run around and impossible-the hospital wouldn't do it, sent us to private organization-they said we'll call you in 2 months which got further delayed and then it was too late as too close to surgery date. Maddening. The balance between seeing and experiencing all this with holding a space that is bigger to allow it all is challenging to say the least. But I can't be angry all the time.

The more you dig into V's the more you find out they haven't been as helpful as most assume. Look into Andrew Moulden. "Every Vaccine Produces Harm." He also died "unexpectedly" at 49.

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My body my choice is used only when useful for propaganda. I am sorry that the person you live with was treated in such despicable way. We should try to help ourselves and others and keep positive despite it isn't easy to be positive in this world.

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Aug 14, 2023Liked by Dr Lidiya Angelova

Haven’t they found traces of the vaccine, from injected mothers, in the blood of newborns?

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Yes found in the cord blood of pregnant women so likely in the newborns which is criminal. I have the study and will write about it. Just a quote from NIH publication about it "The MOMI-VAX study launched in June 2021 when data on COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant people were sparse. " https://www.niaid.nih.gov/news-events/covid-19-vaccination-and-boosting-during-pregnancy-benefits-pregnant-people-and?utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=news_covid19vaccineduringpregnacy_8112023 So, removing the word "woman" and openly stating that it is an experiment because there is no data. Please share my post as much as you can. Nobody except me is talking about it. People need to know what to do.

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023Liked by Dr Lidiya Angelova

And since the American Red Cross is a partner of the World Economic Forum ( and the YMCA, too) we are unlikely to get close to solving the issue without solving the WEF problem first. The vaccines were the work of the WEF and partners. Public private partnerships.

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We indeed need to end WEF influence. I am calling for it from a long time https://angelovalidiya.substack.com/p/international-organizations-destroy Please share my post as much as you can. Nobody except me is talking about it. People need to know what to do.

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Thanks great to have someone else writing about it. I feel like a broken record.

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You surely helped many people. I write about it since april 2021 and researched it in many countries. Contacted blood donation services too just to confirm that all is coordinated globally. There are links with it in the articles. Unfortunately media and big influencers say nothing. I contacted two and had no response. I have big following on twitter almost 24K but I am censored. It's bigger than so called vaccines by itself.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Dr Lidiya Angelova

A few of my more recent posts to elucidate the issue. I too wrote on Twitter from early 2020 with a great crew of followers from around the world who were aware. Arranged to drop Twitter from my life permanently quie awhile ago. Hopefully people continue to understand. The most common response is anger and a desire to go after them physically. Doubt if a violent military revolution will solve the issue. The public needs to understand they are in control - they chose or at least allow these people to exist and profit at their expense.

(1) https://open.substack.com/pub/kwnorton/p/world-economic-forum-and-world-totalitarianism?r=boqs0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

(2) https://open.substack.com/pub/kwnorton/p/four-months-later-the-fourth-industrial?r=boqs0&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I think people understand it but have no idea what to do. What could be done is simply refusing to follow WEF agenda and not acting like sheep.... If we make people understand it we will win.... Twitter and social media can have great impact but that's why are censored. In EU will be even more after august 25 which is happen to be my birthday. But I am not giving up. I will try until can. I use gettr to. Telegram is a good way. This is my https://t.me/genueprospect and I have secred group too if you are interested I will give you the link. So encouraging people to resist like in my home country Bulgaria which despite the push has only 30 % vaccine rate. The lowest in EU.

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Shoot me more info. Thanks for connecting.

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KW, are you still writing? Haven’t seen one of your posts for quite a few months. Best regards.

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I am and thanks for letting me know. What i write doesn't usually make the SubStack top ten list. But if you click on my SubStack address it should list all my posts. Let me know if you don't find them. Do you receive the emails? I write and publish almost daily.

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I haven’t activated the SS app and only use email to receive the stacks. As of a few days ago, I had the ability to choose opening online or the app and now I must open my browser to comment. They are, obviously, pushing me to the app. Strange that I haven’t received any stacks by email from you in the past months. I do subscribe to quite a few stacks so my emails are getting crazy, but I do check them all daily.

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That is really strange. I can check my list to see if your email is correct. I don't use the app either. I don't like it at all. But all my readers can use it to access my posts from what I know. Please let me know if you continue not to get them. Must be a glitch somewhere.

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Ca. is allowing HIV infected people mostly men to donate blood. CA is where the entire nations blood supply often comes from not the sole source obviously but a majority of it.

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People should get blood only from trusted donors or their own saved in advance or by cell salvage. Please share my post as much as you can. Nobody except me is talking about it. People need to know what to do.

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yeah it seems anything that can help the human body, mind, and spirit is going unoticed or it's all being made illegal. Oh I wonder why . LOL.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Dr Lidiya Angelova

I wonder if the government idiots that kept pushing this gene therapy knew about what it was doing to the blood? Of course they did, and they still pushed it.

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They did. Science was clear. It should be never given to humans but they did and was given to pregnant women too....All involved must be held accountable. Please share my post as much as you can. Nobody except me is talking about it. People need to know what to do.

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Would the separated plasma also be contaminated? My friend has plasma infusions for a long suffering demyelating spinal problem, Transverse Myelitis. I believe she took 6 injections, believing the docs, to protect her partner with congenital enzyme in liver not working correctly, causing severe COPD. She's now experiencing tingling and numbness in hands which both already had an essential tremor.

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Unfortunately the plasma is contaminated. I mention a study about it here https://open.substack.com/pub/angelovalidiya/p/blood-donation-and-covid-vaccines?r=o3i7b&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web Also it could have mRNA and even graphene. Tell your friend to read my latest article on how to fix the damage from COVID vaccines https://angelovalidiya.substack.com/p/fixing-covid-19-vaccine-damage-focus Sadly cases like her would be quite common.

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Most of the people I know, including my friend, my family too, all believe the lies and, no matter what I showed them, prior to the rollouts, dismissed everything and warned me to stop doing it. Relationships are not the same anymore. They will not accept the injections are bad. What is your view on the undisclosed particles, quantum dots, moving parts etc. seen in the vials by many independent scientists? It's been difficult enough, from just a health point of view, to try and explain Internet of Bodies and Transhumanism!

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Last October, 2022, my wife was scheduled to have a aortic heart valve replacement via a TAVR. She had approval from her cardiologist and surgeon to donate her own blood, but the medical director of our local blood bank, Vitalant, denied the her request. She also had another young, healthy woman with her blood type, O-, who was not vaxxed & was willing to donate, but that was refused. Fortunately she didn’t need blood, but this was just wrong in so many levels.

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Sorry to hear and I am glad that she didn't need blood. Unfortunately this is quite common but hospitals don't have right to deny it. People should know their rights. May I ask in which country?

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I hear that USA is much better actually but I guess depends on the state or even the place. We must be ready to fight for my body my choice.....

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I know about this company. They do good business and do help people. Used my articles for references too. When I contacted them about working together since I am one of the people who started researching it the response was generic.

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