Terrific article and great information. I did capture the study.

But one thing people won’t discuss is the fact that all this was planned. Contamination was key in depopulating and/or installing optogenetics.


The Shots do not Work as Claimed, but The Shots do Work as Intended.



How well can your Brain be Remotely-Controlled by light flashes from your digital devices? Optogeneticists want to know…



I did write an article somewhere about contamination of the blood supply and refusal to accept donations months ago. I’ll be damned if I can find it. But it certainly did not carry the same type of research that you’ve done.

I was in contact with a researcher from M.I.T. for over three years. Our interactions were quite relaxed—she proofed one of my articles on glyphosate and sent me her last article prepublished.

But the moment for me came that I admitted out loud she [M.I.T, and DARPA. [Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency]] had been involved in this research all along. We did not disconnect pleasantly.


Human Body, Nanotechnology, and We—Augmented [first posted 2/1/2021] [Updated 2022_01_22]



Darpa, Military behind new covid-vaccines [Graphene and Quantum Entanglement]



Complex physics is being used in these shots. It is already over, Lidiya. It was over the moment the shots were released.

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What do you think of Malone btw? I think he is a wolf in sheep skin. He knew what is it but got it, got popular after most people were injected and fuels that the narrative that the virus exists.

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Every time I see a post by Malone, I post this response [with pictures.]

"Malone has killed men, women, and children to be able to afford his horse barn. You do not just let a murderer say I’m sorry and walk free.

Malone has a horse barn with beautiful horses. Anyone who has worked on any shot touted as a vaccine has made $$$$$$$$$$$ killing and maiming babies and children and adults. [I would have loved to have had a horse, but pharmaceutical/vaccine injury bankrupted me years ago.]

ALL shots touted as vaccines since 1971 were never more toxic shots laced with viral material to legitimize them as vaccines. They intellectually chemically castrate our babies from conception [pregnant women are now given shots and toxic products from the shots gather in the placenta and feed to the fetus.]

Anyone calling themselves a vaccine expert is an expert murderer of babies and children.

My babies were brain damaged and sterilized with their baby shots in the 1970s. Our lives were destroyed. My dreams of becoming a genetic researcher dashed."

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I am sure it was well planned but we should try to save as many as possible and tell them that they have a choice. I was contacted by people who told me that doctors refuse to let them use their own blood or blood from someone trusted which is a medical malpractice. We need to find decent medical doctors which aren't many but still some are and create clean blood hospitals.

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It was extremely well planned and everyone will be contaminated sooner than later. They planned for that eventuality.

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