The information in this article may save lives, but I need your help to keep this information available to everyone. Please consider making a donation through my blog or becoming a paid subscriber. I wrote two articles to help people who received so-called COVID-19 vaccines, with the intention of providing information as soon as it becomes available. I have additional information about tests that can determine if there is any damage and potential remedies. Read the previous articles first if you haven't already.
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Fixing COVID-19 Vaccine Damage New…
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The information in this article may save lives, but I need your help to keep this information available to everyone. Please consider making a donation through my blog or becoming a paid subscriber. I wrote two articles to help people who received so-called COVID-19 vaccines, with the intention of providing information as soon as it becomes available. I have additional information about tests that can determine if there is any damage and potential remedies. Read the previous articles first if you haven't already.