The dominators control us only by our compliance and with our assistance. Gandhi's strategy of non-violent non-compliance seems to have been at least somewhat effective. Targeted strikes that disrupt the control mechanisms and discomfit the controllers are also effective. And as I've written on my own channel, withdrawal from systems that we do not control is probably the most effective strategy, particularly the system by which we exchange the valuable goods and services that we produce. Instead of using their exploitative fiat money, we can use our own credit directly in trading with one another. How to do that effectively has been the focus of my work for more than 40 years.

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"Targeted strikes that disrupt the control mechanisms and discomfit the controllers are also effective. " Which are these control mechanisms? They will disrupt the life of regulars who will hate the strikers not the government.

Strikes are simply inefficient. for me. Watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=P_yuYFqibP8 It has subtitles in English. Maybe is similar to what you suggest. Kind of Athenian democracy. Trading is good but I think we still need some kind of currency. Maybe not money but something. Also it would work for small populations. Maybe we will move back to such....

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Regarding strikes, what if the elite's house servants, security guards, and minions who enforce their illegal and anti-human statutes and laws went on strike? That would discomfit no one else and disable the oppressive systems that have been established to dis-empower and enslave the people. The Berlin wall came down when the East German guards refused to shoot the people who tore it down. Is that not so?

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When I speak of using our own credit directly, I'm not talking about primitive barter, which is what you seem to have in mind when you speak of "trading." Using our own credit in the ways that I have described in my books is an advanced means of exchanging value that makes exploitative political fiat money obsolete. I thought you knew that.

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