As you are aware, it will soon be four years since I began researching so-called COVID-19 vaccinations and blood supply.
I just obtained fresh information that I'd like to share.
The blood of those who have received COVID immunizations has been contaminated for years.
Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, one of the few doctors who spoke out against the kill shots and COVID measures, reported seeing sky-high spike protein antibodies in patients who had the shots (COVID vaccines) years before. The laboratory services company Labcorp is looking into it.
Dr. Bowden and others noted that some unvaccinated people have some of the same antibodies, but at a low level. It could be due to shedding or because my theory that SARS-COV-2 is extracellular vesicles that contain spike protein is correct.
Some people responded on Dr. Bowden post that, after taking the shot in November 2021, they still had high amounts of antibodies.
Just a quick reminder of the problem with COVID shots and blood supply.
Despite the fact that there were many unknowns about so-called COVID vaccines in 2021, as well as the fact that they are experimental and affect cell homeostasis, people who received COVID vaccines could donate blood, and people who received this blood would have no idea it was compromised.
I made more articles as I learned more and developed an easy approach for avoiding it. You can see it below ⬇️.
I contacted powerful people and apparently anti-narrative media in the hopes that they would speak out and help to ban vaccinated people from donating blood. Yet, even those who know me personally have not responded. To be honest, I have no idea why they refuse to acknowledge it.
I did some research on organs too.
I write under X posts when I notice a discussion regarding COVID vaccines or the new American government.
It's exhausting job for someone who doesn't get paid for it.
Nonetheless, someone has to do it since, in addition to having 70% of the human population contaminated with the kill shot, it spreads through blood. The evidence is clear.
That’s not all! ⬇️
Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) encapsulating mRNA can travel through the bloodstream from the injection site and remain there for an unknown period of time. LNPs have previously been shown to accumulate in specific organs, including the liver, spleen, ovaries, testes, and bone marrow. LNPs are highly inflammatory and have been shown to be thrombogenic, posing a risk to transfusion recipients. LNPs have potent adjuvant activity and may cause Adjuvant-Induced Autoimmune Syndrome (ASIA). Another risk is that if the mRNA is incorporated into the recipient's blood while still packaged in LNPs, it may cause the body to produce more spike protein.
Please share this first in order to provide people with information about how to prevent contaminated blood. Second, if there is a lot of publicity about it, blood banks will stop accepting blood from those who have the so-called COVID vaccine.
I've been doing this work for almost five years without any help, and it takes up so much of my time. It's also putting my life at risk, and I'm honestly exhausted. I hope you understand that I need to eat and pay bills - nothing is free for me.
I am exploring different protective devices and methods to reduce EMF exposure, as well as ways to assist those who have been vaccinated. Again, I am the sole person offering assistance to folks who want to avoid contaminated blood.
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Have you watched the Dr Segalla videos, re LNPs? The LNPs are very toxic, even without any contents.