Extracellular Vesicles Containing Spike Protein Cause Heart Disease And Blood Disorders - More Evidence
If you look at the breakthrough in science almost always they don’t come from the centre of that profession. They come from the fringe. ~ Allan Savoury
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I think that researchers identified extracellular vesicles containing Spike Protein rather than a virus. It is linked to cardiovascular disorders. You may read an overview of my hypothesis here.
I found more evidence that I may be right.
The University of Liverpool's Bioanalytical Sciences Group published a report reassuring that COVID-19 was essentially a coagulopathy.
Another study found a link between blood clots and spike protein. The study shows that the spike protein binds to the blood coagulation factor, fibrinogen. It generates structurally abnormal blood clots with increased proinflammatory activity.
And another report makes a similar claim: the SARS-Cov-2 spike protein, triggers the production of aberrant amyloid fibrin microclots. “The microclots may also present novel antigens that lead to the production of autoantibodies, that can exacerbate symptoms further.”
The researchers explain it as long COVID or virus, but it could be Extracellular Vesicles Containing Spike Protein as I suggest. Keep in mind that researchers are paid a lot of money for COVID-19, and they will not publish anything that would jeopardize their easy money. Anything about COVID-19 is accepted in science journals with little or no peer-review, which is irrelevant because peer-review means approval by other scientists who share the same viewpoint. *If you want to learn more about the current state of science, click here: https://genuineprospect.com/2022/09/12/what-is-science/
In addition to these studies, embalmers' findings appear to support the link between the product and clots.
Today, Hirschman, who embalms in Alabama, claims that 50% to 70% of the bodies have clots.
“For me to embalm a body without any clots, kind of like how it was in the day, prior to all of this stuff, it’s rare,” Hirschman continued.
“The exception is to embalm a body without clots,” he added.
“They’re not even dead from COVID. They’re dying of sudden heart attacks, strokes, cancers,” Hirschman stated. “It doesn’t seem to matter what these people die of nowadays, so many of them have the same anomalies in their blood.”
It is also another warning against using inoculated blood for blood transfusions because their blood contains clot-causing spike proteins.
However, there is some ambiguity regarding angiotensin binding. Spike protein binds to and blocks the peptidase domain (PD) of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, causing cardiac problems. If the spike protein inhibits the angiotensin-converting enzyme, it should act as an anticoagulant, but that this is not the case.
Perhaps there is something else here that needs to be investigated, with the Spike protein-angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 and Spike protein-fibrinogen as starting points. I will do my best to read everything and help solve the puzzle, but I will need your help to do so, so please become a paid subscriber or donate via my blog.
Please review my damage repair protocol, which is based on determining what's wrong before assuming any treatment.
Regarding the treatment, since we already have an idea of the damage at the molecular level, I am researching it as well.
I also just found out about another study which confirms that these products are harmful and that everyone should work to stop their widespread use and hold those who promoted them accountable.

Link to the study in case my twitter account is halted again: https://www.cell.com/action/showPdf?pii=S2589-0042%2822%2901816-8