Elon Musk got Twitter, people got excited. I don't believe in words; I believe in actions. It appears to be another Elite game designed to divert our attention away from what's actually going on.
There's a lot going on. Diseases, both old and new, are on the rise. What is the explanation for this?
Yes, it appears that the germ spreaders are the inoculated.
Who would have guessed?!
Russia and Ukraine continue to have a strong media presence. Because the Big Brothers EU and America said so, poor Bulgaria and Poland committed suicide and had their gas supplies cut off. Of course, Big Brothers have no regrets about continuing to acquire Russian gas.ย
But, well, Russia is the villain in that game!
Do not question what the government and the media have told you!
Do not bathe to make Uncle Putin cry or to save the earth!
You should get used to eating bugs or rubbish.
Travel is for the wealthy; you should stay at home and watch what you are instructed to watch!
Italy and France are following China's lead and establishing digital IDs. The overlord of the EU commission Ms Ursula (von der Leyen), whose family is tied to Pfizer, have ordered it, so expect it in the rest of the EU countries. Her ancestors had slaves in America, a country that currently has Ministry of Truth (1984 anyone?!).
We are going to have more disasters according to the organization organizing these disasters - United Nations.ย
Elites must have had a good time!
The following piece is quite relevant to what has been going on in recent weeks and years.
Do you remember Chernobyl?
26th of April, 1986 For the world, it's just another day. Months, later, we learned that on that day, the European continent was in grave danger, which governments (as usual) covered up - the nuclear facility in the then-USSR, now-Ukrainian town of Chernobyl had exploded. The accident was caused by human error, but the lack of information about it was not - we were purposefully misled. The explosion created a nuclear cloud, and the resulting rainfall contaminated a large area of Europe. Everything touched by the rain was radioactive but we had no ideaโฆโฆ People ate the plants that grew after the rain, not realizing that they were contaminated. Cattle ate the grass and we ate the meat. When talking about grass: we, the children, couldn't play on it after it, at least in Bulgaria. I recall that people were puzzled about the reason for it. Nobody told us, but we were used to such pointless commands during communism, so we didn't mind. We found out much later. The subsequent investigation revealed no evidence of widespread public harm, despite the fact that it was conducted by organizations known for manipulating evidence. Of course, what happened at Chernobyl reflects what is happening now, but on a greater scale. 75 percent of the world's population has received at least one dose of an experimental product created by new technologies. A product that will damage the majority of the people who received it. It turns those people into bioweapons because they breed and transmit pathogens that have been neglected for a long time. If we don't call it out and hold those involved accountable, it will happen again and again until humankind disappears.
Nobody has the right to manipulate us!
Nobody has the right to use us for medical or entertainment purposes!