What Do You Need To Know Before Buying Supplements
The growing mistrust of modern medicine has resulted in a rise in the demand for alternative medical services and goods. Supplements are an important part of it, but can we trust an industry owned by those who own pharmaceutical companies?
Are supplements composed entirely of pure active substances, or are there other components?
Are the supplements natural or synthetic?
Reading the ingredient list is an easy way to find out what is in the supplement pill. If the active substance isn't 100%, something is wrong.
Be aware of this common deceitful tactic: supplement companies regularly utilize cheap fillers because users rarely read the small print.
Consumers pay for a substance they don't get, while receiving something potentially hazardous.
The supplements should come with information on how were made and where they came from. Is it just a powdered herb, an extract, or an artificial substance?
🔴Again, if the pill's contents are not clearly stated, do not buy!
There is a difference between herbal extracts and active substances. In many cases, this is not even indicated on the label, but it must be.
In a nutshell
Pros of Supplements
> Easy to take.
> There is no preparation time.
> The complete list of ingredients, how the supplement is produced, and its origin are frequently missing.
> The origin of the substances is often unknown. It could be an area with poisoned soil or water. Many plants absorb pollutants. Some supplements are derived from animals, however the origin of the animals is usually unknown. Additionally, a lot of supplements are made artificially.
Dietary supplements can contain vitamins D2 or D3. Vitamin D2 is manufactured using UV irradiation of ergosterol in yeast, and vitamin D3 is typically produced with irradiation of 7-dehydrocholesterol from lanolin obtained from the wool of sheep https://ods.od.nih.gov
🔴The biggest red flag!
The largest supplement companies are subsidiaries of pharmaceutical companies or big businesses like GSK, Pfizer, Abbott, Bayer, GlaxoSmithkline PLC, Sanofi, Procter & Gamble, Nestle, and Unilever.
These are all under Blackrock's authority. I previously shared information about Blackrock. Check it out here:
If a product controlled by Blackrock, I wouldn't trust it.
I like to take the active compounds from natural sources because I know they are present and significantly more effective because they are better absorbed.
Take a look at the list of natural sources for the most common supplements, and you'll discover that everything you need is available as food or spice in your garden, farm, or nearby grocery store.
Vitamin D: sunlight, eggs, beef, and dairy products.
Vitamin C: most fruits, vegetables, and many other plants.
Vitamins from group B: cabbage, yogurt, cheese, beer, nuts, seeds, beef, and wild fish (not farm-raised).
Other vitamins, microelements, and beneficial substances: locally grown fruits and vegetables, herbs, spices, and many other plants, as well as meat, eggs, and dairy products.
Omega fatty acids: wild fish (not farm-raised), eggs, peanut butter (homemade is preferable), nuts, and seeds.
If you have a health problem that can be cured by natural active substances, try herbs, spices, or food. Browse my Natural Remedy Series articles for inspiration.
Frequency therapy does not require anything other than sound waves and is often as effective as the things we can consume.
If you cannot get what you need naturally, buy it for smaller local supplement manufacturers. Small businesses cannot afford lawsuits if someone is harmed by their products, and because they have fewer clients, they are more likely to provide good products. Additionally, it is easier to discover where the active ingredients they sell come from.
This information may get me killed, but I'm a black sheep regardless. Please consider supporting my work because no one else does what I do.
No alternative media wants to talk about my discoveries on blood supply contamination or other issues.
I do not sell supplements or herbs.
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References (*read all articles).