To help people better understand what it is the so-called COVID-19 vaccine actually, I created flashcards with detailed explanations, which I published on my blog. I frequently add new references to it. As my blog is censored, posting it via Substack may allow me to reach a larger audience. Since there is no download option find it here Unfortunately, despite the overwhelming evidence that these products are harmful, censorship is tightening even further. When I was searching for COVID-19 vaccine science studies in the scientific internet library - PubMed - I discovered that the studies that present the product in a negative light lack abstracts and are difficult to obtain links to. The studies in favor of vaccines are sponsored directly or indirectly by the makers and, of course, are easily accessible. Scientists and clinicians are being pressured not to report vaccine-related injuries. Most countries' self-reporting vaccine damage systems are complicated and inefficient. Regardless, the data is immense: the products are dangerous. Governments and groups pushing these early-stage experimental products must be urged to halt their widespread adoption. The products are now even advised for young children. Let us not forget an even more devastating issue: blood supply collectors blend blood from persons who have used the product with blood from people who have not. There is no data on what happens to such blood and how much of the product can enter the blood of the recipient, but people are not experimental animals. On top of being a substance that alters cell homeostasis, there is no long-term safety data.
Manufacturers can't be sued if their products cause harm or death, and refuse to give information what exactly is in these products. I and others debated the reason multiple times.
Speaking up is once again the only way to put an end to it.
Such a thorough overview of what are known as COVID-19 vaccines cannot be found anywhere else. Nobody else brings up the blood supply. Please consider donating to support my work; otherwise, I would have to charge everyone for accessing it.