Recent study on COVID-19 vaccines adverse reactions reaffirms that those who received the vaccine are lab rats.
This case-control study shows that the mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine rate is higher in patients with microsatellite instable (dMMR) non-metastatic colon cancer. Immune-inflammatory mechanism may have a role in this association, which may be derived from facilitating the diagnosis of already existing tumor by immune-inflammatory interaction. Long-term clinical and preclinical studies are needed to confirm the findings of this hypothesis-generating study.
Of course, the researchers tried to soften it so that it could be published, but the evidence is clear. Check out my collection if you haven't already.
My question is why no one is being held accountable for this?
Why can people with COVID-19 vaccines donate blood?
Why are mRNA vaccines marketed as safe and now recommended for animals and plants?
Certainly, we should not give up hope. I developed a protocol that just updated again. Many people have used and benefited from it.
The two main challenges I'm working on with my old brain (turning 49 in August) and my old laptop (hopefully not dying soon) are stopping spike protein production and detoxing spike and nanoparticles. More about it will be available soon. I am preparing a full report on my recent research. In the meantime, please subscribe and support my work as a paid subscriber or a founding member.
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I do not sell supplements or herbs. I don't have sponsors. People like me who genuinely want to help are ignored by the media. There is no interest in spreading the word about blood contamination from COVID-19 vaccines as well. You, dear readers, are my sole source of support.