Most people are probably unfamiliar with the name Pavel Durov, but he is the founder of the popular messaging app Telegram. Durov was recently arrested in Paris and later released on €5 million bail. His “crime” is enabling criminal activity on Telegram. According to this, all internet service providers, app developers, and social media CEOs should be charged for the same crime.
It's so shallow because it's a scare campaign that has nothing to do with Telegram.
I started using Telegram, because some of my friends preferred it over WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. I created my channel as a Twitter alternative and used it to communicate with my followers after I was banned there. I don't have the same following (~ 23,000 vs. ~ 600) and only a couple of chat members. I am certain that any government employee or organization with no right to monitor my chats can do so.
Telegram is nothing special!
Strangers frequently contact me, despite Telegram's claims that no one can find my number or me...So it's not even adequately encrypted.
My point is that Durov has not done anything to undermine the narrative. People don't get rich if they do. He is close to both Macron and Putin. He holds multiple citizenships...
🔴 If you watch Durov's interviews, you will notice that he is simply a better-looking version of Mark Zuckerberg, but he is equally creepy.
Durov's arrest is propaganda, just like the arrests of people who tell the truth all over the Western world.
Be afraid!
If we can arrest the rich, so can you!
You cannot think for yourself.
Those who order the arrests have no right to do so. They can do so because we gave our consent.
Ask yourself why people in my home country of Bulgaria can say whatever they want on social media and in real life?
Despite Bulgaria being under WEF-EU control, no one is scared or punished for speaking the truth. The reason for this is that we Bulgarians don't follow the government's orders. We do not want to be administered by individuals who act against our interests, which is why there hasn't been a stable government in recent years.
Don't look for a savior. It is not Trump, it is not Elon Musk, it is not Durov. They believe we are worthless and are all from the same league. They do it to numb the fact that you are your own savior.
Your life is entirely within your control. Take care of your family and yourself. They cannot arrest all of us if we all say what we think. If everyone quits backing the system, it will come to an end.
Please read the following note 👇.
Dear readers, I need your help to keep up with my blog and Substack work. I understand that times are difficult for you as well, but if everyone helps a little, it will make a difference. The blog and Substack are the only places where I can apply my knowledge. I don't have a sponsor nor sell supplements, and nothing is free to me. After four years, my LinkedIn profile is still inactive, and I am unable to work in my field of expertise, which is quite broad because it includes both ecology and biomedical sciences. I've lived in many different countries, so I have a wider view on what's going on in the world.
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