The Nord Stream Blowup Is An Energy and Ecological Catastrophe
The Americans blew up Nord Stream, a natural gas pipeline that runs through the Baltic Sea. It will affect gas supplies to Europe but also is an ecological disaster. Of course, the media and some politicians claimed that it was the Russians. The question is, how could this happen while NATO was just conducting exercises in the area? It is infested by NATO navy ships.
Northern Coasts 22 portrays a maritime heavy operation incorporating all naval domains in order to provide primary warfare area training from Task Force to Unit level within a high threat and littoral environment. The multinational participation will enhance interoperability, mitigate operational gaps and provide synergy effects. This exercise is aimed to strengthen the cooperation amongst the Navies in the Baltic Region. Event date: September, 9-21, 2022.
Also, Russia benefits nothing from it since if they wanted to blackmail, they would just halt it and say, "You will receive gas if we get sanctions lifted."
A while back, Biden also said that if Russia invades Ukraine, America would destroy Nord Stream.

As usual, the CIA sent out a warning about America's actions.

And I am thinking about this statement by Ursula Von Der Leyen.
What has changed over the summer, because of the elements I was just mentioning, is that we see that there is a global scarcity of energy.
Did she know it was going to be blown up? I wouldn't be shocked if she did,as the rest of the EU politicians, because their actions and statements obviously go against their employer - us, the EU citizens.
Well, perhaps not all politicians.
U.S. Blew Up Russian Gas Pipelines Nord Stream 1 & 2, Says Former Polish Defense Minister.
It appears that many folks on Twitter saw it as well....

The Nord Stream pipeline leak is also an ecological disaster. Methane is the main component of natural gas and is degraded by microbes, but it causes seawater acidification. Here's a brief breakdown of the process: aerobic bacteria in seawater convert methane (CH4) to carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O). It decreases the concentration of oxygen in the water. Marine organisms canβt live in oxygen-depleted environments. Also, when carbon dioxide reacts with seawater it forms carbonic acid which cause acidification of the water. Acidification is detrimental to all creatures. Benthos, the organisms that live on and in the seafloor and are among the most sensitive to it. Benthos is an essential source of food for fish and helps to remineralize and move organic matter deposited on the bottom. The conclusion is that the Nord Stream pipeline accident will almost certainly result in a reduction in marine biodiversity, potentially affecting the fishing industry. There hasn't been much research on how to fix acidification, but some marine plants, such as kelp and eelgrass, may efficiently absorb CO2 and lower acidity in the water.
Let us return to the cause of the accident, America, which once again demonstrate its will to cause suffering and destruction in Europe. We're all aware of how to fix it. We should request our governments to serve us, not America, or we will find another service.
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