The Earth's climate is changing. There is nothing unusual or novel about this. Unfortunately, green propaganda has recently hijacked it and presented it as something bad that can be fixed by not eating meat but bugs and artificial food, being locked up in 15-minute cities, not driving normal cars, and not going on vacation. It is even used to conceal the damage caused by so called COVID-19 vaccines.
The advocates of man-made climate change claim that their evidence is based on math models that use limited data. It is obvious that climate change plan is similar to COVID-19 agenda: fearmongering, lack of evidence, and restrictions. The wealthy who support the climate change agenda continue to live at large and visit their favourite “boiling” Italian, Greek, and Spanish resorts, as they did during the COVID-19 pandemic.
While we used to hear about man-made climate change from time to time, there is now a push like there is a plan that is being followed….

Because there is a plan!
Klaus Schwab’s Daughter: ‘Permanent Climate Lockdowns Coming – Whether You Like It or Not’
According to Nicole Schwab, the COVID pandemic was a “tremendous opportunity” to test how the public would comply with the WEF’s plans to usher in their Great Reset agenda.
Of course, we must oppose it!
Check the videos below 👇
💡 Rachel Matthews destroys the local council "Green agenda " by exposing some very real inconvenient truths…
💡 Wind turbines are a scam.
💡 Listen to the podcast that discusses climate change and the non-western world from the perspective of economics..
💡 Watch this video to learn about climate change propaganda, which is similar to a modern religion or even a cult. It, like COVID-19, has nothing to do with science, and scientists who oppose it are silenced. Leading climate scientists state that the actual scientific basis for the theory is crumbling. We can’t say that CO2 would drive climate. None of the major changes in climate in the last thousand years can be explained by CO2.
The Great Global Warming Swindle is a polemical documentary film that suggests that the scientific opinion on climate change is influenced by funding and political factors, and questions whether scientific consensus on anthropogenic global warming exists. The program was formally criticized by Ofcom, which upheld complaints of misrepresentation made by David King. The film, made by British television producer Martin Durkin, presents scientists, economists, politicians, writers, and others who dispute the scientific consensus regarding anthropogenic global warming. The programme's publicity materials assert that man-made global warming is "a lie" and "the biggest scam of modern times."
Global warming is part of natural cycle and there's nothing we can actually do to stop these cycles. The world is now facing spending a vast amount of money in tax to try to solve a problem that doesn't actually exist.
~ David Bellamy , English botanist, television presenter, author and environmental campaigner
This is one of several articles aimed at helping you in combating the climate change agenda, which is being used to create global corporate enslavement. The most important thing you should do is disobey every day. I wrote this a while ago:
“The government has no authority. Government exists solely to serve us.
When government acts like authority instead providing service, then it is an authoritarian regime.”
Definition of authoritarian regime: demanding or enforcing stringent submission to authority at the expense of personal freedom.
Make a mental note of it! Think about it! Talk about it!
I'm not thrilled to admit that I have some expertise on the related matter since my master's degree is in hydrobiology and waste water treatment. Water is essential to all life on Earth. I understand what is required for a healthy environment.
Climate change agenda not only restricts human rights and raises the already high and exploitive taxes, but it also harms the environment. Another significant issue is that it diverts funds and attention away from serious issues such as pollution and the development of genuine green energy! Pollution is a problem that bioremediation, a technique with which I have firsthand experience, can easily solve. A technique that rarely gets utilised because no one invests in it!!!!
The problem is exacerbated by the fact that progress is based on the use of bright minds, which are now being cancelled.
I'll give you two quotes that sum it up!
Going in the University as bright young people, they come out brain dead not even knowing what science means. They think it means peer-reviewed papers etc. No! That’s academia. And if a paper is peer-reviewed it means everybody thought the same therefore they approved it. An unintended consequence is when new knowledge emerges, new scientific insights… they can never ever be peer-reviewed. So we are blocking all new advances in science, that are big advances. If you look at the breakthrough in science almost always they don’t come from the centre of that profession. They come from the fringe. The finest candlemakers in the world couldn’t even think of electric lights. They don’t come from within, they often come from outside the bricks. We are going to kill ourselves because of stupidity. ~ Allan Savoury, a Zimbabwean scientist, farmer, and president and co-founder of the Savory Institute.
“When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - When you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - When you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you - When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - You may know that your society is doomed.”
I'm doing everything I can to reconnect the bright minds with my Genuine science journal, which will hopefully see the light one day. You can help a lot by sharing my articles, donating through my blog, or becoming a paid subscriber so I can do my work.
We've got this! However, you must be prepared for a change. Change your perspective on the current system, which is nothing but corporate subjugation.
❤ Lidiya
If random attendees of WEF annual conspiracies were subsequently executed, the WEF would soon disintegrate.
One of their "solutions" is to reduce the world's population. I think this is a measure about which we can agree with them. Let's say the magic number is ten million per year. Once they reveal themselves, the reincarnated Attila Our Hun and Jeanne d'Arc can lead our forces in a cleansing sweep across the Earth, executing ten million of our Mortal Enemies each year.
This would be a win/win for all of us. The Climate Lunatics would revel in the population reduction. We Normal Civilized would revel in obliterating ten million of our enemies each year.