Please read this before reading my article and tell me if you would do what I did and why so many people like to take advantage of those who help them.
By the way, AI stated that it is overly negative. AI can go to hell, but hey, we live in it!
After reading my research on why the climate change agenda is a scam, you must demand that government servants answer the following questions!
None of the so-called green energy sources are superior or more efficient. So, why are we forced to fund worse instead of real clean technology development?
Why do we bury the litter from “green” energy production, COVID-19 measures, and general waste rather than using bioremediation?
Why is nuclear power stigmatised when it is currently the most clean, cheap, and efficient source of energy?
Nobody can make you spend your tax money on something you don't want to!
You should demand an end to the bribery, which is incorrectly referred to as lobbying.
The following is a list of topics about which you must inform everyone.
*The information I've provided here is not a secret. If you or someone else does not believe what I wrote, they can verify it for themselves.
As I mentioned in the article cited at the beginning, in the future, only those who value my work will have access to my articles, which offer new information on the subjects I cover.