Please donate via my blog or become a paid subscriber so I could keep my work free for those who cannot afford to support me. I've been doing what no one else does for you for two and a half years. I'm not sure how long will manage with such little help from your side. I want to do the right thing, but I also have bills to pay. Being good does not pay bills.
Despite the fact that young and healthy people are dying as flies from DDT, schools and universities continue to impose mandatory injection with the product. The below is only one example. It is widespread in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.
How should we call it?
Teachers in Canada and Australia are still coerced to get the product as well.

Why not standing up? Well, they didn't when governments put policies in place that hurt children. Why do I think they will act nowy? Government supported school is not about education, but indoctrination.
I discovered additional evidence that my hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 is an extracellular vesicle containing spike protein would be correct. The goal is to get people talking about it. So share it!
The good news is that more people, including the media, are asking questions about what's causing these sudden deaths and sickness of healthy people.
The bad news is that it is rather late. 70% of the world population, especially in the West, will be wiped out or damaged. Reason: Greed and ignorance. It will be a costly lesson.

Meanwhile the clean athlete isn’t let to enter USA Novak Djokovic
Sadly, I will not be able to travel to NY this time for US Open. Thank you #NoleFam for your messages of love and support.
Good luck to my fellow players! I’ll keep in good shape and positive spirit and wait for an opportunity to compete again.
See you soon tennis world!

Nobody but me has spoken anything regarding the fact that the blood is tainted with disease-causing chemicals. Where are your famous anti-narrative activists? Are they truly on your side?
Germany is still enforcing mask requirements and even new measures.

Maybe they're aware that they're worthless and can do harm, but who cares if the slave seems to not?
At least the doctors are starting to speak up. Better late than never.
The Professional Association of Pediatricians (BVKJ) is also critical of the measures intended to affect children. BVKJ spokesman Jakob Maske says about continued tests without cause: "Unjustified quarantine orders in the event of false positive tests are the consequences that lead to further social isolation and reduced learning time." The closure of cultural and sports facilities must also be ruled out. Maske continues: “In these facilities in particular, we keep observing swab and hygiene measures that are no longer scientifically justifiable.”
Fauci is retiring, and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis had the best response.
"Someone needs to grab that little elf and chuck him across the Potomac!"

We can only hope that Florida would separate from the United States of America and take all normal people from the world as refugees....
Government pressures private corporations to withhold information that, since it is occurring in America, has an impact on the entire world. Why isn't this making more headlines?

We all know that Biden's family is riddled with dark secrets. His son's laptop and daughter's diary reveal far too much... so why is he still President?
The Euro is dropping faster than Biden's approval rating....Europeans are becoming poorer even faster. It will be a cold winter because the majority of us not want to stand up against the puppets who are causing crisis after crisis on the orders of their masters.
It seems that at least Africans are wiser.

I turned 47 this week. I wish I didn't do what I do now, but this is my destiny. I also choose to do it and be happy. Not the WEF happy since I want to own house, car and my own life.
Listen to what this much older man has to say about the World Economic Forum....
He also knows a thing or two...