Sunday Weekly Review
You're still alive and healthy?! That is unacceptable! Take the shot and fix the problem.
This newsletter began as a backup to my blog but evolved into an independent news website where I publish articles on many topics on top of the weekly `what's going during the week` or so-called Sunday Weekly Review. Support it by becoming a paid subscriber or making a donation through my blog. Being a free subscriber and sharing it also helps.
The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, the Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs (German: Bundesminister des Auswärtigen), Annalena Baerbock, Canada's Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, and the President of the United States of America, Joe Biden, all have one thing in common: they all follow this guy's politics.
Simply read this quote and pay attention to what they say.
By means of shrewd lies, unremittingly repeated, it is possible to make people believe that heaven is hell - and hell heaven. The greater the lie, the more readily it will be believed.
~ Adolf Hitler

*Justine, you don't even try to hide it anymore!
We have to put a stop to the idea that it is a part of everybody's civil rights to say whatever he pleases.
Adolf Hitler

Unfortunately, most politicians today are also his supporters.
And now, let's talk about the so called energy crisis. It has nothing to do with shortage of energy supply. WEF is implanting the idea of another global lockdown. I am sure that the joyful Christmas and Halloween festivities will be canceled.
Be frightened, animal!
I wrote it before learning about the news below.
There are solar lights, and they are less expensive than the politicians who take away all happiness from our lives. What about canceling their salaries?!
The good news is that the Brits are refusing to pay artificially increased energy bills, which is a start in the right direction.
Remember to find something funny to laugh about. Again, it's best to quit paying the people who make you cry.
Of course, the French dwarf is well ahead of everyone.
The #ClimatePass is half-heartedly announced: "we must make maximum commitments of emissions per resident".. "And allow to have a system of restrictions".
The guy with the mustache is spinning in his grave, wondering why he didn't think of this first….

There are devastating floods in Bulgaria and Pakistan, but you won't hear about it because we live in a culture of dead brains.
China is “okay”……

Meanwhile, the police in England is abusing an elderly man.
Bedfordshire police have been criticised by the family of a 81 year old man after he suffered bruising during an arrest when officers mistakenly turned up to his home at 5am yesterday morning. The police believed it was the location of a suspect who had committed a crime as the officer explains in the video obtained by to a relative of the man who had suffered a heart attack recently. Over half a dozen officers turned up when the elderly gentleman came out of his home.
Share the video widely.
In Los Angeles, California they simply sacrifice their children....

New study: parents who have the product (doesn't matter mother, father or both) will pass the ability to produce what have to produce to their kids. What is the mechanism doesn't matter. Their kids will be born with ability to produce substance which damages heart. It has been altered so that the manufacturers may claim ownership of the finished product.
There is a lot more in the study. Full analysis will follow shortly.
Of course, the advertising is still going on. It reads:
“Our autumn cull kicks off from Monday. You're still alive and healthy?! That is unacceptable! Take the shot and fix the problem.”

I want to finish on an optimistic way. The lunacy will stop when we stop acting like beasts and rediscover that we are humans who should help one another rather than hate one another. I know people from almost every nation on the planet. We are fundamentally the same, and no human is our enemy. Differences in culture, appearance, and language enrich and make more fascinating, but do not change it!
Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death.
Adolf Hitler
Here is a translation of the lyrics of the most beloved Bulgarian song “If you gave”, which came to mind today for some reason. The communist party banned the song at the time because of the line "You are sometimes late true, but you always come, you come to us." Despite the censorship, the song was well received by the people and the singer Emil Dimitrov, who wrote the music would perform it. The Communist Party couldn't do much about it. If you've ever wondered why we've become so immune to propaganda. The answer is because we lived in it for 45 years.
If you gave
(Author Ilya Velchev, 1977)
If you gave to the hungry
even a crumb of your bread.
If you gave to the wanderer
even a spark of fire from your fire.
If you gave the dear
from your heart.
If you gave to the stranger
life from yourself.
If you gave, if you gave,
If you gave of yourself,
you have not lived, you have not lived idly.
Nobody can take away from you,
The love, the love of the people.
Nobody can take it from you,
The love, the love to the people.
And nobody and nothing can take away from you,
The faith in them, the faith in them, the faith in them.
You are sometimes late true,
but you always come, you come to us.
If you took from the glory of someone else
even one speck.
If you heard of gossip
and repeat it
even for a single second.
If you are an enemy of the despicable,
but you obey him
even once.
If you have eaten from your friend's morsel
and forget him.
Should you have been born at all?
Listen to the music.