Sunday Weekly Review
There isn't anything like authority. If someone has authority over you, it means you are a slave.
This week was a mix of the usual psyops and fear mongering. What the creatures behind it don't realize is that people are sick of their nonsense. People must understand that the creatures have no power over them and must simply disobey. There isn't anything like authority. If someone has authority over you, it means you are a slave.
So there was another controlled reveal, the Lockdown files, which revealed something we already knew: criminals who needed to be locked up made fun of the people who voluntarily were enslaved. Yes, you were not obligated to adhere to any of the COVID-19 rules because it was obvious that the people who created the rules do not follow them. They would be the first to hide if there were any kind of plague. In contrast to the plebs, that led normal lives.
The lockdown files reveal that, as I previously warned, variants are merely a fear-mongering gimmick. My blog contains a detailed explanation of it. Look here.
The lockdown files are just another distraction, like the lab leak.The fact that both have been widely publicized confirms that there is no truth to it. The media never says the truth, and this serves the narrative well.
Despite propaganda, the world prefers Russia to the West. Perhaps because, unlike Germany, Russia still prioritizes human beings. Maybe WEF doesn't have enough money to hire better actors, or maybe that's the goal....
People who distrust governments will become irritated and will rebel. Then comes the one-world fascist government, which controls all politicians.
Of course, there is another option. People must reclaim their freedom through direct democracy.
Everything we know needs to be revised.
Ukraine war isn’t what most think it is. That’s not a news. Some extra on information it.
Zelensky was a peace candidate, but his own nazis and America didn't want peace and told him that if he refused to go to war with Russia, he would be murdered....
The German Chancellor openly declares who is his master. Transatlantic cooperation is being used to destroy Europe.
In case you didn't know, Christine Anderson and Robert W. Malone are controlled opposition. She must have the the gene product in order to travel to America, the only nation that requires it in order to enter.
Malone tweeted about the lab leak, of course.
Check the people who retweeted, especially famous ones, to find out exactly who is the controlled opposition.
More and more people are dying as a result of Malone's product, despite his claim that he has no idea what it does, which is obviously a lie. If anyone knew what it was, it was him, but he did nothing to stop it and went to be controlled opposition when the majority of people had it. He claims he injected it himself, which is another lie. He, along with the rest of the controlled opposition and politicians, were given placebo. People have already accepted those deaths as normal, despite the fact that they are not. It's abnormal.
I try to help the injured, so please share my most recent research on the subject. I have more coming soon.
Something interesting has come to my attention. Spike protein most likely interacts with protein at the center of the network that protects the cell from damage. It might explain why so many people are becoming seriously ill after receiving so-called COVID-19 vaccines. It can also assist my search for solutions.
Remember as well that I need to eat and pay expenses while I cannot work in my field, so please donate via my blog or become a paid subscriber.
I'd like to keep the information free, but only if there are enough donations and paid subscribers. My laptop may stop working because it is old, and websites are expensive. Remember that I am working on a Genuine Science journal that will restore genuine science. All without the assistance of anyone. I also have a young child.
Another adverse mRNA product reaction was even mentioned on the website of my previous employer. Interesting name: stress-related immunization response.
The reported rate of severe allergic reactions to immunization with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, while estimated to be on the order of just five cases per million doses administered, is still higher than that reported for conventional vaccines.
I believe it might be connected to the protein I mentioned earlier. It should also be noted that the research they conducted should have been conducted prior to injecting almost everyone with it. Yes, I also explained how clinical studies are carried out.
I attended clinical research classes while working at this institute, and one of the lecturers was Christine Grady, the wife of a man we all know.
Good news at last! My efforts concerning blood contamination resulted in an action.
If passed, Montana House Bill 645 would prohibit people who received the so-called COVID-19 vaccine from donating blood.
A person may not knowingly donate whole blood, plasma, blood products, blood derivatives, human tissue, organs, or bones containing gene-altering proteins, nanoparticles, high-count spike proteins from long covid-19, or other isolates introduced by mRNA or DNA vaccines, mRNA or DNA chemotherapies, or other novel mRNA or DNA pharmaceutical biotechnologies.
Another excellent piece of propaganda. COVID-19 does not exist, but the British government used a married reality show star known for flirting with younger men to promote it. Yes, they are quite cheap with it. Her husband was shown to be in good health when he was supposedly near death, but they knew the public would believe it and didn't put much effort into it. Again, all celebrities and politicians lived normal lives and only wore masks for photo ops.
"Objective media and journalists simply do not exist in the mainstream.” ~ Robert Black.
Medical doctors are drug dealers. Damaging children for them isn't a problem because the younger they are bribed, the better.
I don't write about climate change very often. I will definitely write about it, but it is a clear scam. I discovered another study that demonstrates not only how bad climate change research is, but also how bad science in general is.
There is some common sense on it from Italy.
Italy intends to vote against European plans to outlaw the sale of new petrol and diesel cars in 12 years, Energy Minister Gilberto Pichetto Fratin said on Tuesday.
Something I'll research further: electroculture farming. Check out this Telegram channel for more information Very interesting. I have a garden that I can't wait to get started on, and I'll definitely try electroculture farming. Unfortunately, the weather is far too bad for March. Which is good for the energy companies. Climate can be altered, so it's possible that it was done on purpose. When I shared the link about electroculture farming on Twitter, it received almost no attention. The fact that it is censored demonstrates once again that there is something in it.
Hershey, known for their baldy-tasting chocolates, put a man on their International Women's Day wrappers and received backlash.