Canada and the UK are dystopian nightmares where people who think differently but don't break the law are imprisoned and pedophiles are allowed to roam free.
Two years in jail for putting up stickers against mass immigration. This is how we live now in England.
Trudeau Liberal justice minister Arif Virani says that putting Canadians under house arrest on suspicion that they may commit a hate crime in the future will "help to deradicalize people who are learning things online."
Germany is in trouble.

Electric vehicles are a waste of money.
Read my article about electric vehicles.
Meanwhile the wind power…..
I also have an analysis about wind energy scam.
You can inject yourself with products that cause heart attacks, but that is not what causes heart attacks, according to corrupt scientists and doctors. It's everything else, even living near restaurants.
Instead of looking for new knowledge or helping in solving problems, scientists want to dehydrate the stratosphere.
This hideous study has been published in a prestigious scientific journal!
Read or listen to learn why such studies exist and are published.
A predatory man takes another woman's place.
Today, as a Bulgarian, I celebrate our national day. Many brave Russian soldiers died so that we could be free of the 500-year-long heinous Ottoman enslavement. The Western world simply watched and did nothing to assist our Christian nation; in fact, they fought alongside the Turks against our freedom. Now isn't much different. America buys politicians to destroy our divinely beautiful country, but we resist. We will never be slaves again, and we will always be grateful to the Russians for helping us.
The ode below is about the critical Battle of Shipka Pass during the Russian-Turkish War. It commemorates the bravery of ordinary Bulgarian volunteers and Russians who won the battle not because they had better weapons, but because they believed Bulgaria should be free....
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