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This week, the CDC stated what people like me have said numerous times and have been censored for doing so.

Of course, they kept pushing the product since money talks, but it freaked out the twitter shills who realized that the easy blood-soaked money wouldn't last long. It's ironic that they no longer believe the CDC. They are now the conspiracy theorists.
The issue is, why now?
Are they afraid of the upcoming lawsuits and want to hide what they did? Only time will tell. We must speak up and help the injured. I discovered the herb Astragalus membranaceus, which I will investigate more, but for the time being, nothing harms to be provided to the inoculated.

Despite the fact that Democratic Party voters do not want him, Biden wants to run for president. Yes, if voting changed anything, it would be banned. I asked you before, but I'll ask you again. Is this the America of our founding fathers? Why did you allow it to devolve into a third-world dictatorship?
Summer is still in Europe. According to the media and governments, it is the end of the world. Summer should frighten people. I mean, they could want to go out, meet new people, and even talk to them. Poor climate alarmists will also be out of work. Manipulation is a really simple way to make money. Ask the cv shills. They're sobbing now.
Interesting research on individuals intentionally avoiding news in Europe or in which countries people are less brainwashed. Bulgaria, my home country, is among the top. That comes as no surprise. Congratulations to Turkey and Croatia.
In Germany, opposition to COVID-19 regulations is growing. I honestly did not expect to see it, yet some are even dare to criticize the government... What time to be alive
There isn't much good news for the money pox. It's very tough to fabricate the ill count since for it governments need people who have a rash, even though the rash may indicate something else.
What if Wuhan's scientists discovered something else instead of a virus?
More about that on my blog soon.
The product kills. There are just too many youthful fatalities to go unnoticed. Please speak out about it, and not only on the internet!
Laura Lane, executive vice president and chief corporate affairs officer at UPS: “Regionalization of supply chain is critically important.”
That is good to hear.
German exports to Russia fell significantly in the first half of the year as a result of the sanctions imposed because of the Ukraine war. According to the Federal Statistical Office, exports of goods fell by 34.5 percent year-on-year to EUR 8.3 billion. Imports from Russia increased in value - also due to higher energy prices - by 51.3 percent to 22.6 billion euros. https://www.msn.com/de-de/finanzen/top-stories/einfuhren-aus-russland-wertm%C3%A4%C3%9Fig-um-h%C3%A4lfte-gestiegen/ar-AA10zJr2?ocid=EMMX&cvid=cfe9f590683a45e0a749b7e8a62921f5&fbclid=IwAR2vT0b32O3Id_H_CNP0yeVe6HTW9e2oImisJ9JO59Fv0gPACHddJSchUAE
So, once again, how do sanctions imposed on Russia damage Russia?
Also seems that there won’t be shortage of gas in Germany yet the prices will make heating too expensive for most of the people.
My “cure” for it is explained here.
Although it appears that there will be no shortage of gas in Germany, the costs will make heating incredibly expensive for the majority of the population.
My "prescription" for it is detailed here.