Sunday Weekly Review
Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. ~George Orwell
My work over the last two years has helped many people, but I rarely receive assistance from the same people. Thousands of people downloaded my PDF files on the product, the science of so-called pandemic, and virus, but they didn't even think about donating a dollar or a euro for knowledge that costs thousands of dollars or euros. I looked for strategies to repair the product's damage and developed the only protocol that works. I am the only one who has warned about blood donation contamination, which has already claimed the lives of newborns. I even explained how to prevent that.
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This week's major news is that the American government is officially at war with European citizens. Americans blew up the Nord Stream Pipeline, forcing us to rely on their gas, which was their long-term goal.
The video below is in English.

Of course, there is a link to Ukraine.

And yet, mass media propaganda funded by the same attempts to cover it up, but people aren't buying it.

And more on how America tricked Russia on NATO expansion and economic dominance across Europe.

Or was it a plot involving America, Poland, Sweden, and Denmark?! What happens when NATO allies attack each other? Why is there such a strong foreign and internal pressure to ruin Germany? (check their anti-german government). Is a lovely country which was once the world's leader in many fields but is now Europe's poor man.
The hypothesis focuses on the Polish Navy and Special Forces as the physical perpetrators (quite plausible; the report offers very good internal details), American planning and technical support (extra plausible), and aid by the Danish and Swedish militaries (inevitable, considering this was very close to their territorial waters, even if it took place in international waters).
We must remove the American puppets and rebuild Europe for us. We should also establish new ties with ordinary Americans who are in the same boat as us. Billions of dollars of their hard-earned money are spent to fund wars. Their children are dispatched all over the world to kill or be killed. The good news is that young, healthy Americans no longer want to be tools, as seen by the US Army's 25% recruitment shortage.
Ursula Von Der Lynen delivered yet another bizarre speech. So she backs a nation with an openly Nazi regiment (see Azov) and America, which has recently committed a terrorist act against Europe. Her association with Pfizer-Black Rock isn't even a secret. She is not the EU or us, who employ her....

Russia and China are becoming more closely aligned.Russia loses nothing since China is the leader in innovation. Europe lags far behind the rest of the globe in every category.
While on Russia and America... once again, double standards.
US mad about 95% approval of Russian annexation in Ukraine? The 'sham' is 95% of Hawaiians *rejected* annexation, and America stole our country anyway, banned our language and culture.

The truth was shown on tv—miracle!

Italians were tricked that got someone on their side - Giorgia Meloni who endorsed the green certificate and is member of Aspen Institute which is supported by Gates and Rockefeller Brothers Fund.

Nord Stream blow up took attention from the biggest crime in human history. People die as files from DDT.
Trooper Jack Burnell-Williams, 18, played a key role in the extraordinary procession guarding Her Majesty's coffin as it was carried on a majestic gun carriage from Westminster Abbey, through Whitehall, down The Mall and past Buckingham Palace to Wellington Arch earlier this month.
Police and paramedics from London Ambulance Service raced to Hyde Park Barracks in Knightsbridge, central London after the alarm was raised at 3.48pm on Wednesday. He was pronounced dead at the scene. Police said they are not treating the death as suspicious.
Not suspicious? Since when is the sudden death of young, healthy people normal? It is the new abnormal.
However, victims are not forgotten. Despite the tricky release from liability EU Commission contracts, German attorneys are capable of suing Pfizer. According to German law, the victim is not required to present proof that the damage was caused by the product. Instead, the manufacturer must demonstrate that there is no connection to the product. Continue reading on my blog and don't forget to follow it. It costs you nothing to keep in touch with me and my work. I don't use your emails.
Artis Leon Ivey Jr., 59, an artist and creator of the hit song Gangsta's Paradise died this week.
Hopefully he has found his Paradise. He seemed healthy and well just before it, so was it the product or the people whose dirty secrets he intended to expose? Only time will tell. Truth may turn up late, but it always comes.

"Tell me why are we, so blind to see That the ones we hurt, are you and me?" Let's remember him with these words. RIP
Here is a fascinating video which I'm not sure when was created but sums up our world.