Sunday Weekly Review
“Nothing in this world is harder than speaking the truth, nothing easier than flattery.” ~ Fyodor Dostoevsky, Russian novelist
This newsletter began as a backup to my blog but evolved into an independent news website where I publish articles on many topics on top of the weekly `what's going during the week` or so-called Sunday Weekly Review. Support it by becoming a paid subscriber or making a donation through my blog. Being a free subscriber and sharing it also helps.
I couldn't find even one lawyer to challenge the EU legitimacy despite that clearly EU is illegitimate organization after the green certificate was voted. If you know someone let me know. We may not win but even making noise would help. They of course continue with their lies. The green certificate suspends all human rights.

There was another gathering of the puppets who believe they rule the world.

Of course, they want us locked up again.
There is only one possible response.
I apologize once more for using it, but disobedience is the only way to prevent them from doing what they want.
The Ukraine conflict is used for some money laundering.

The FTX scandal will be used to gain control of cryptocurrency. How convenient, and of course, the World Economic Forum is involved.

Poland was attacked by Ukraine, but NATO will not defend one of its own members. The German Chancellor says that Russia is to blame.
My followers say it was Ukraine.
Ben suggested NATO, i.e. America, so Ukraine....
Germany's law, based on fear-mongering, eliminated the reason for it, but Germans are unaware of it.

Meanwhile, the German government robs German taxpayers.

What do you think the Germans do? They burn Russian books and artwork...
And also….

We must fight back against the dehumanization of Russians and their art. Post quotes from Russian authors on social media, as well as any type of art.... They have outstanding composers, for example.
Remove your children from any educational system.

If you still don't understand why, read my previous articles....
Not surprising news from Australia

The Swedes get it.

While we're talking about data... Take a look at this.
In Canada, thinking is considered a mental disorder.

Some news about news…..

At least some good news from home.... Bulgaria's vaccine intake is decreasing. Of course it is because of disinformation according the local Mengele followers formerly known as medical doctors. They are afraid that Bulgarians may even become healthier which is really bad for their business. Funeral business also is going on strike since unlike at the West there isn't increase in their customers. Funeral service men and women want to know what’s going on with the Bulgarians and why do they refuse to die as the nice cattle from the west. How much of this is happening for real, you tell me….
The next news from Bulgaria is real and very good.

My cute cat Sir Mc Fluff Fluffy Pants Smokey The Great no longer appears on Twitter because I am censored there and people cannot see his adorable face or what he is up to.

Elon does it for a variety of reasons. Here's one:
Synthetic RNA has the amazing potential to cause cell death. I explain it here:
So I will future Sir Mc Fluff in my Sunday Weekly Review.
Today’s comment on world affairs by Sir Mc Fluff especially for you!
Elon doesn’t even let people to see my Advent Calendar article. Take a look.