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Blackrock owns everything. Their CEO wants to decarbonize the world. He's referring to us. Yes, we are the carbon he and the owned by him want to erase...
Look at this video. Much of what he says is coming true.
Proof in the video below.
Why would the wealthy prefer pilots who had never had the product? There is just one answer. They know what the product causes to humans.

PayPal is closing anti-narrative accounts in the United Kingdom. Nothing new here. Tech is a pillar of the NWO. If big brother is unhappy with your actions, your money is no longer yours. I'm wondering when they'll come after me.

The topic was addressed in the UK parliament, but there is more. It was revealed that we're “moving towards a cashless economy”, kids....

So, you say, a cashless economy. Don't tell me I was right again....
Meanwhile, the EU is becoming a dictatorship..... If you vote wrong, you will be sanctioned, which means you will not get your own money...

Not all is lost, yet. Italians are no longer buying it...
I give the EU a maximum of two years. There is a reason for this.
While still on EU, Ursula Von der Leyen is one of Bill Gates Goalkeepers2030. She is definitely keeping his goals to exterminate us.
Putin issued a warning that the situation in Ukraine may escalate. He has to play the game, and that is simply a part of it.
Germany, where I live, is doing "well." Masks, testing, and product promotion, even the beer will be scarce.
Karl Lauterbach, Germany's Health Minister, tweeted this.
The AfD deputy Martin Sichert holds a repulsive speech here in the Bundestag. "Ukrainians in the posh car" had their teeth fixed at the dentist in Germany at our expense. "Germans freezing." That's exactly how Nazis talked about Jews here in the House.

An intriguing response.
MdB Martin Sichert is my husband,
I am Yazidi, have an asylum background myself, am a recognized political persecutee and descend from a population group that has experienced numerous genocides.
A "Nazi" would not be married to someone like me, Mr. Lauterbach.

Bread and circuses….
The Roman poet Juvenal, used the phrase “bread and circuses" to describe Romans' fading heroism after the Roman Republic ended and the Roman Empire began. The Roman government kept the people happy by giving free food and organizing massive shows.
They shed their sense of responsibility
Long ago, when they lost their votes, and the bribes; the mob
That used to grant power, high office, the legions, everything,
Curtails its desires, and reveals its anxiety for two things only,
Bread and circuses.
~ Juvenal, Satire X – The Vanity of Human Wishes (the whole poem is worth reading!)
Get it now?!
I will finish with these wise words.
They have us so divided we have made it easy - time to forget left/right & unite - we all have one enemy the rich billionaire corporations, bankers & self appointed royals.