Sunday Weekly Review
“The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.” ~ Ayn Rand
More and more young people are dying suddenly.... People are beginning to realize why...
Truth may be slow, but it always finds its way.
More old and new pathogens out and about….
The reason for this is that the people who got the jab have a weakened immune system and now breed these pathogens.
Monkeypox classified as a global emergency by the World Health Organization.
Declaring monkeypox to be a global emergency would mean the U.N. health agency considers the outbreak to be an “extraordinary event” and that the disease is at risk of spreading across even more borders, possibly requiring a global response. It would also give monkeypox the same distinction as the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing effort to eradicate polio.
They eventually decided it won’t, but continued to push it and demand mass vaccination for the related smallpox, which may protect against monkeypox. Of course, we have new vaccines. How well tested are these new smallpox vaccines?
I decided to look into it and discovered an interesting coincidence. The new combined smallpox-monkeypox vaccine was authorized at the end of 2019. It's odd because none of these diseases were considered urgent at the time, but that’s not all.
The vaccine was developed by Bavarian Nordic in partnership with the US Government to protect adults from smallpox infection, including those with weak immune systems and those at high risk of reactions to existing replicating vaccines.
JYNNEOS was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in September 2019 for the prevention of smallpox and monkeypox in adults. It is the only FDA-approved non-replicating smallpox and monkeypox vaccine and the only approved monkeypox vaccine in the world.
FDA approval of JYNNEOS for smallpox comes from a development programme comprising 22 clinical trials, which included two phase III trials. The programme enrolled a total of 7,871 individuals aged between 18 and 80 years who received at least one dose of the vaccine.
The quote above indicates that, as expected, the vaccine was rushed. A sample size of 7,871 people is extremely small for drawing any conclusions. We don't know if it works because the only way to find out is to inoculate those who have it with both pathogens and see if they will get sick. I studied clinical research at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, USA and understand how it works.

Of course, the European Union jumped on it. Well, it's good money, so why not?
Stella Kyriakides, who recently supposedly received millions from an unknown source and signed the Moderna Contract, leads the Health Emergency Preparedness and Response (HERA). More information is available here:
The WEF-installed Bulgarian government received a vote of no confidence... Bulgarians want the PM imprisoned, and nothing will stop us. It will be detrimental to the WEF-EU, which is a good thing.
Germany is bracing for new restrictions of the freedoms as a result of math models based on unreliable data. Due to their dislike of the Russians, they may soon be forced to use this ancient energy source.
But don't worry, they'll be wearing masks to protect themselves from the sequence in their own genome. These folks are remarkable. If it isn't proof, what is? They are, however, in grave danger since they wish to continue the use of nuclear power.
Majority of Germans want longer use of nuclear power plants…
Well, dear Germans, you could, but you can't because it would enrage Greta and that is more dangerous than any nuclear power plant accident!
I've heard you'll even use coal again...
While on the Greta thing. It will appear at Glastonbury. Hanging out at the shitty music festival in the muck seems like a downgrade from hanging out with shitty assholes in Davos.
Finally, some good news. With the vote to extend the green certificate, the European Union came to an end.
Expect more on it in the coming days, as we will disclose the names of those who liberated us from the EU tyranny.
Abortion activists in America are protesting because Roe v. Wade, or the constitutional right to abortion, has been abolished. The problem is that the government has no authority over such a thing! They should protest the way they are governed rather than this or any other law. The system is corrupted. It is ineffective. The tricky issue with abortions is that no one should tell you what to do with your own body, yet inside this body is a growing life - what about its choice? Who is protecting this life?
Are people aware that is so easy to have safe sex which can prevent the majority of abortions? Why not campaigning about it? Of course, we're not discussing rape here, but consensual sex.....
On the other hand, the same activists are nowhere to be found when it comes to mandatory jabs of experimental medical products or hazardous masks, despite the fact that it violates the body autonomy.
Elon Musk officially took over Twitter at the same time as my third Twitter account, @NetworkHumans, was suspended. One of the reasons: I tweeted my article about Germany and the EU Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, whose family were slave owners in the United States and who wants the Nuremberg code repealed and experimental medical products mandated. Heiko von der Leyen, Ursula von der Leyen's husband, is the medical director of Orgenesis, a company working for Pfizer-BioNTech. Ursula von der Leyen is close to Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla.
The truth is that we, the EU citizens are sold to Vanguard Group and Black Rock corporations, whose shareholders include du Pont, Morgan, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, the British Royal Family, Bill Gates, George Soros, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and Joe Biden. The same people, or so-called elites, are marketing the experimental medical product as safe and efficient, despite the fact that it is not. They want you imprisoned in your little apartment while your aging family and sick children die alone, despite the fact that they live in mansions with private care. They restrict you from traveling while jetting around the world. They want masks for little children while refusing to wear masks at their posh events!
The other reason for my suspension on Twitter is that I mentioned Drosten, who constructed the first SARS-CoV by simply eliminating the unnecessary sequences, assembling what was left, and filling in the gaps. SARS-CoV-2 was generated in the same way as SARS-CoV and, predictably, matched SARS-CoV. Although it was never disclosed, samples contained other germs that in fact got people sick. Despite the fact that Drosten's PCR test has been shown to be incapable of detecting any viable pathogen, it is still used to identify whether or not someone is sick.
As you can see, the message is straight out of the 1984 novel: there is only one source of knowledge. In this case, a compromised organization led by mass murderers.
To summarize, Elon Musk appears to be another Elite member who makes lofty promises of doing good but is simply a hypocrite playing games.
We are alone in the battle for humanity, but more and more people are awakening every day. Don't give up no matter how difficult it is.
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