Sunday Weekly Review
"Do not be deceived that those who hold the money also hold your future, because they have taken that money from you, and you bow down to them and exalt them as the sun before your eyes."~Vasil Levski
The past week was typical. Some fearmongering from an old bird flu "plague", some Ukraine, a lot of people dying suddenly for reasons other than the gene product, and some other dysfunctional events.
So let’s take a look.
Germany has some of the world's dumbest politicians, but it is also the land of being robbed every minute by the service known as government.
What is causing the deficit? The enormous amount of false refugees. That is not all. Now, pensioners as old as 81 are being evicted from their homes to make way for the refugees.... Germany is the world's most anti-German country.
The EU-WEF cartel's takeover of Western Europe is anti-European and anti-human. Another example from the Netherlands.

EU officials refuse to held responsible America for the terrorist attack on Nord Stream. Is it because they simply knew and benefited from it?

None of them said anything about the environment.
And more from the EU well paid by us and corporations servants. They now tell us what to look at on the internet. What else is it if not tyranny? What is the difference between this and communism, which I experienced and am familiar with? There isn't any.Now is it worse, and it's happening everywhere.
My response to it!
We pay you to serve us, not to censor information!
All EU citizens should stop paying the taxes that support you!
You cannot prohibit the dissemination of information.
You have no control over us!
You are only providing services!
More than a dozen killed in Israel's 'deadliest attack' on Syrian capital Damascus, but that doesn't matter because Syrians aren't humans in the eyes of the West....
Uncle Al Mad Gore, the green king, isn't really all that green....
REPORT: Al Gore’s ‘Green’ Investment Firm Owns Shares in Companies That Pollute
Meanwhile, despite China's ownership of America, NATO does not trust China's Ukraine war peace plan.
Take a look at what my countrymen have to say. We've been around for hundreds of years for a reason. Remember that we are the only developed country with a predominantly non-GMO population.
Despite mass media propaganda the Bulgarians got it right.....
Ukraine has always been leader in the bloody business…. Ukrainians are also mostly clean from the gene product.
The midget president Zelensky appears to be well compensated for it.
Regardless of what politicians do, at least some Europeans are opposed to war.
We should stop paying them and ignore their requests because they do not work in our best interests.
A well-known tactic of tyrannical regimes is to instill fear of external enemies in order to mask the real enemy that exists domestically.

Inconvenient truth is that corporations were never on our side.

While we are distracted disgusting creatures work on horrifying future…. Even if you don't have Twitter, you can read and share. Print it out and distribute it. It's about Canada, but it's cooked all over the world.

This is also true. Gain of Function is a distraction tactic.

The article I mention is this one.
Huston, we have bird flu (again), as well as a "nice vaccine" that has been updated and tested on a few animals which quickly died. I hope my bad joke does not become a reality, but I am afraid that there is a gene product waiting to be promoted, because it is so efficient in terms of terminating all diseases and the “useless eaters” forever...

Pharma dependent CDC promotes another harmful product.
Meanwhile, so-called doctors broke the big news. The poor are more likely to suffer from a cardiac arrest. The thing is, rich people are frequently found dead recently.
There is a reason why most medical doctors behave like Mengele; they are greedy and know very little about biology. They are simply drug dealers.I am starting to think that post WWII medicine is based mostly on his work “ethics”.

A graph is circulating these days that shows that, not surprisingly, the death rate in EU countries is increasing, with the exception of the poorest newest members, Romania and Bulgaria. Maybe because only 30% and 42% of the populations in these two counties are contaminated with gene products (much less in reality).
Of course, the media works hard for the bloody money. Below is an example of a few of their dirty tricks to manipulate you.
Meanwhile, be cautious when purchasing books because they may have been airbrushed or censored. It only happens when we are subjected to tyrannical regimes. Remember that corporations and governments, of which publishers are a part, collaborate to manipulate.
There is good news. People's trust in the government is eroding. There should not be any!
Why would people want to share data with a corrupted service such as the government? It is best not to interact with these services and to stop paying them through taxes because they work to destroy small businesses....Why help the financial markets when they are a part of the scam?
Children teach us what to do when our fundamental human rights are violated. Well Done Kids!

Elon Musk will reveal that the Covid pandemic was a hoax.
Sorry, but I already did it in 2021 when I demonstrated that so-called SARS-CoV-2 is a simple sequence......
Celebrities are now all over everything. They even give health advice, despite the fact that the majority of them are brain dead. A recent headline mentioned one that promotes testosterone for menopausal women. In that case, the female celebrity's appearance demonstrates what the treatment she recommends actually does: logically turning them into unfortunate looking men.
There are effective but safe herbs for relieving the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause. Since I understand biology and have knowledge of herbalism will write on it in my new natural medicine series here. I am perimenopausal, and like many others, I have a busy life and a small child. What I use is extremely beneficial to me and does not cost a lot of money. I do not sell anything I recommend on my blog or here. For the time being, take a look at my detox article, which is helpful to everyone.
My articles on the so COVID-19 vaccines damages as well.
Today, I'll close with this quote.
"To know what Fascism really is we must first of all know what it is we are fighting, what the Fascist regimes really are and do, who puts up the money and backs Fascism in every country, and who owns the nations under such regimes, and why the natives of all Fascist countries must be driven into harder work, less money, reduced standards of living, poverty and desperation so that the men and corporations who found, subsidize and own Fascism can grow unbelievably rich."
~ George Seldes
Look for his books, which are quite interesting (uncensored of course).
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