We are at the start of World War III, America's wet dream in which it has invested so much money. Who is going to pay for it? Of course, we literally with our money and life.
“Older men declare war. But it is youth that must fight and die.”
~ Herbert Hoover
Talking about peace is prohibited. The following wall art was removed because talking about peace in 2022 is bad....

Russians and Ukrainians are the same blood. The American-owned media and politicians, like the drug-addicted puppet, make them hate one other.
“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”
~ George Orwell, 1984

The only way to end the war is to oppose it. I'll tell you a little-known fact about my home country's recent history which will demonstrate the power of ordinary people.
When the Nazis ordered to Bulgaria to send Bulgarian Jews to the death camps Bulgarians just said that isn’t happening. They didn’t let the train with Jews to leave by simply lying at the front of it. Armed SS officers surrounded them. Miraculously, the guards did not shoot. Jews were let to go home. No trains like it ever left Bulgaria. https://genuineprospect.com/2021/09/25/bulgaria-the-last-stand-against-the-new-world-order/
Jacky Comforty directed the 2001 documentary “The Optimists,” about how Bulgaria foiled Hitler’s extermination plans. “We have an example of the power of the common man to stop genocide,” Comforty told The Washington Post in 2013, on the 70th anniversary of Bulgarians’ mass protests. https://liherald.com/stories/how-tiny-bulgaria-saved-50000-jews-in-world-war-ii,101679
The Nord Stream disaster has almost vanished from the news. We know why. Because all evidence points to America and certain neighboring countries.
The media continues to cover up the sudden deaths. The most recent example is the heatwave, but there are plenty other bizarre explanations. Weather can be manipulated, but the recent increase of sudden deaths isn’t because of it.
I'll repeat that governments regularly spend our money on things that are not in our best interests. Governments are only service providers. If we pay money for something, we should be informed of how it is spent. Governments consistently distort the truth and act as if they are our owners while claiming that we are free. The video below illustrates it wonderfully, so watch it and spread the word.

The video also demonstrates how easily we can be controlled by any imaginary fear and how easily we can be crushed if we speak against the system. I wrote about it in my book, which I want to finish and publish one day. You can read it here https://genuineprospect.com/2021/07/07/what-happened-the-book/. Instead of being praised, those who speak up and try to help the oppressed face ignorance.
It happened to me with my Twitter jailing. Despite that, I am one of the first to warn about what is truly going to happen after 2020. Despite the fact that I was and continue to be the only one who warns about the dangers of contaminated blood, I received no support from those I helped. There was no #ReturnLidiyaAngelova @angelovalidiya on Twitter. There were no media stories about me.
I was let back on Twitter after continuously asking why I was barred, and it finally worked one day. I was allowed to return. I can't post everything I want, but I can still reach my over 22K audience. During this time, I expanded my other networks and this substack page. HumansNetwork was also founded by me.
Some of you may be unaware, but I had my professional influential LinkedIn account deactivated in August 2020 for questioning the World Health Organization about why they were pushing measures without any science or fact-based proof. It was ordered by Mike Ryan, a high-ranking WHO official who personally checked my account. That is visible on LinkedIn. It was done on purpose. It was a warning! When I mentioned it on LinkedIn, people urged me to be cautious when crossing streets. Although I'm still alive, I lost access to my LinkedIn shortly after that. I've also had strange police visits, as if they wanted to know if I was living here.
I didn’t give up. In order to continue working and sharing my expertise, I started a blog GenuineProspect https://genuineprospect.com/ that is censored yet has 200 K visits since was created. My LinkedIn work blog and my personal information are inaccessible to me, and the only way I can receive a response is to email them my ID!
Now, when the truth finally reaches the masses, as a result of people like me who did not give up and persevered, I am once again ignored, and people are in awe of fake heroes who pushed the product and continue to support the narrative. They have a good life with the bloody money, while I am trying not to freeze while writing it! I'm supported by the same few people who, understandably, cannot afford much. The rest use my work but are unwilling to spend a few bucks a month to support it! I'm starting to feel like Samuel!