Sunday Weekly Review
"By means of shrewd lies, unremittingly repeated, it is possible to make people believe that heaven is hell - and hell heaven. The greater the lie, the more readily it will be believed."
This week's news is a bit low, but there are a few stories worth mentioning.
Apparently, Alzheimer's research is a scam.
So, to summarize: Alzheimer's research, Depression research, and the thing which shall be not named are only a few examples of scientific misconduct. It is wrong and must be stopped immediately. Learn how to stop it here.
China appears to be planning an invasion of Taiwan. Most folks have no idea why. Is Taiwan a sovereign state? According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, it is complicated.
Taiwan was returned to Nationalist Chinese control in 1945 following Japan’s defeat in World War II. However, in 1949 Chinese communist armies defeated Nationalist forces on the mainland and established the People’s Republic of China there. The Nationalist government and armies fled to Taiwan, again resulting in the separation of Taiwan from China. In the ensuing years the ROC claimed jurisdiction over the Chinese mainland as well as Taiwan, although in the early 1990s Taiwan’s government dropped this claim to China. The Chinese government in Beijing has maintained that it has jurisdiction over Taiwan and has continued to propound a one-China policy—a position that few countries in the world dispute. There has been no agreement, however, on how or when, if ever, the two entities will be reunified.
Will China succeed? Well it depends on many things. For me it is just another war to redistribute resources. As you know wars have 0 benefits for regular people.
Biden and his family have well known connections with China which may show how America would act on it.
VP Joe Biden met with two Chinese energy execs in the West Wing - the FIFTEENTH meeting with businessmen tied to his son's company - who days later sent Hunter a fawning email offering to fix his $102k luxury EV
Coincidentally (or perhaps not), Ou Yang Li-hsing, the deputy head of Taiwan's military-owned National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (NCSIST), just died of a heart attack.
Western Europe is bracing for a harsh and hungry winter. Politicians, of course, blame Putin, even though everyone knows that the crisis is manufactured in order to produce a poorer and more frightened West. West, where more restrictions are expected as a result of the unicorn virus.
Not all is green for Zelensky (zelenyy is green in Ukrainian).
Amnesty international: “Ukrainian forces have put civilians in harm’s way by establishing bases and operating weapons systems in populated residential areas.”

And that’s not all.

While the West appears to be tired of Ukraine, people continue to die in other places, and the world says nothing.

That messed-up norm of present politics has its roots. Read the words of this influential figure from the recent past to find out.
By means of shrewd lies, unremittingly repeated, it is possible to make people believe that heaven is hell - and hell heaven. The greater the lie, the more readily it will be believed.
The truth about the gene product slowly gets to the wider public. Insurance companies and even government health authorities are now admitting that people are being damaged and that they have no understanding what is happening to the body while still claiming that it is safe. Yes, they employ the same strategies as the person from the past mentioned above. Read my protocol and spread the word about it while I look for a way to reverse the damage.
Farmers are presented as the cause of climate change. Yes, this is another tactic of the person mentioned before. Farming has no negative environmental consequences. The same people who proclaim that farmers are evil and that their land should be taken away, like during the communism, jet around the world with their elite pals. Why? Because they are aware that both the so-called pandemic and climate change are hoaxes. They would stay inside their lavish residences and lock the doors if there was any threat. Climate change is not based on evidence that follows the scientific method. Small farmers feed their families and communities. Small farmers provide us with food independence. They rarely use harmful pesticides and are very concerned about the quality of their products. The goal is to make people dependent on government. Please support your farmers! Do not allow the government to steal their land. Remember that the actual enemy is the government. I'll repeat the words of the Bulgarian national hero Hristo Botev simply because they are accurate.
"...the law is written only for the slaves, and we have every right to say with Proudhon, that every government is a conspiracy, a conspiracy against the liberty of mankind."
~ Hristo Botev, Quote from "Only a rational and brotherly alliance between nations will ELIMINATE the SUFFERING",
Zname, 1874-1875
*Pierre-Joseph Proudhon was a mutualist political philosopher from France. His governance theories are worth reconsidering. Everyone should learn more about him.
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