Christmas is tomorrow. Families gather to celebrate the birth of a new hope. People travel across continents and through overcrowded airports to be together on this special day.
Politicians go to great lengths to sabotage this very human holiday. For the third year in a row, people are told that being close to another human being is harmful. They brainwash people into believing that only putting dangerous products into their bodies will allow them to celebrate Christmas.
Creatures that are harmful to the environment and life are telling us that we, the decent working humans, are a trash.
We shouldn't let them do it again.
So that's what I want for Christmas.
1.The removal of the pseudo-democracy and the establishment of modernized Athenian democracy.
2. Holding accountable anyone involved in the COVID and COVID vaccines, climate change, and gender ideology scams. Read on to find out who is behind it.
They are truly ville people who want to destroy the future.
INDIANA child services took their kid away when they refused to affirm his "gender identity."
In the calm city of Prague, a gun-wielding lunatic murdered numerous people. It's strange that a country with strict gun laws would experience a mass shooting. If there had been no gun control laws, someone in the crowd could have taken him out before the sluggish police response. You ought to question why, as their employer, you are not allowed to have weapons while your servants, the military and police, are.
Since the money laundering and selling Ukraine is complete, there is increasing evidence that the war in Ukraine is coming to an end.
Unfortunately, the Middle East still has many opportunities to make easy bloody money, so peace is not an option.
I was told about a video that discussed the fact that medical doctors know nothing about vaccines and biology.
This is well known, yet a prominent anti-narrative activist recently stated that microbiologists should not be included in the COVID debate. It's unfortunate that even well-educated good people are so misinformed about what biologists know. I go over it here.
Please read it and spread the word.
A new study demonstrates that the climate on Earth changes naturally and that we have nothing to do with it.
Some 100,000 years ago, scientists believe Antarctica’s massive western ice sheet collapsed, temporarily opening waterways between a trio of seas surrounding the continent.
More on why green energy isn't really green.
Wind is not only inefficient, but it is also harmful to the environment.
Facial recognition for your own good slaves.

Journalism is essentially propaganda. Udo Ulfkotte who states it in the video below was murdered.
Watch another video of him with English subtitles. In this case, he explains how journalists from major media outlets create fake news about Iraq.
I was asked what pregnant women with Rh- blood should do if they require plasma that is likely to be contaminated. I will try to help the person who asked me about it and will post my solution.
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