This newsletter began as a backup to my blog but has evolved into an independent news website where I publish articles on a variety of topics in addition to the weekly 'what's going on during the week' or Sunday Weekly Review. Support me by becoming a paid subscriber or donating via my blog. It's a way to keep it free to read for those who can't afford to donate.
Human rights do not exist. You only have the right to life given to you at birth. Everything else is a concept provided by someone who can take it away from you at any moment. That is not a right, that is slavery. @marto_je

Baby Will right to live is taken by service called government.

He was given contaminated blood, and he will soon be a part of the statistics below.
If his parents wanted different blood for other reasons, they could have gotten it. The government wants to hide the fact that government services such as blood banks can provide contaminated blood. Due to the outcry on social media, it was covered by the media, and many people started to ask questions. For example, why can people with experimental products donate blood? This blood contains mRNA and Spike protein, as I mentioned in my articles about Baby Will's final fate. It is certainly proven and unethical. The fact that service members can simply steal someone's baby and inject it with whatever they want is a big issue that everyone should consider. People must understand that it can happen to them, and that antidote is rising up against it.
So, choosing the blood which must be transfused isn't a new thing. Why is the push now to use exactly the contaminated blood? Why is the push everybody to have so called covid vaccines which scientifically speaking are gene products which lead to cell apoptosis?
Dropping like flies from DDT my quote of 2022!
And the presence of American biolabs in Ukraine is not news.
I already informed you about it 5 months ago.
That’s why you should subscribe for this newsletter and support my work.
Hungary stood up for the rights of all European citizens.

Meanwhile, Ukrainian soldiers dance. Are they at war? Why does the dance resemble the creepy medical personal dance parties when they were supposedly in the middle of a global pandemic and busy?! What a shitshow is this? Do you believe even a pinch.... I don't!
The parasites want to rob all of our joy. Yes, they want not only the children but also the pets. You will own nothing and be happy with the drugs they force you to take.... If you let them. I won't!

And that's not all. We can't even have Christmas anymore because it's bad, according to the woke idiots of the WEF-created cult of new abnormal. How do we fight back? Well let's celebrate even more. I'm tweeting Christmas songs and my house is decorated. I created the Advent calendar of 24 acts of kindness. Do the same!
Read what economist Thomas H. Greco, Jr. had to say about bitcoin. Follow his blog, which, like mine and this newsletter, is censored on social media.

Madness in England…

We know why people are breeding new and old pathogens.
Masks can’t help. What can be done is to begin detoxing, using less technology, and living according to Mother Nature's rules, rather than the rules of obnoxious global dictators-wanna be.

During his 40-year tenure at the NIAID, Fauci lied numerous times. It is important to note that he is still receiving taxpayer money and promoting the experimental gene product. Why hasn't he been arrested? Because the justice system is a component of the same system in which we are just the slaves.

Read this from the Stark Raving Dad who unschooled his kids. I fully support his point of view.
The heartless robots that ordered baby Will to receive tainted blood, who took him from his mother to kill him, who refused to help, and who believe that what the New Zealand government did was morally correct were created by schools.
A message from my friend Ben...

And, of course, my overlord Sir Mc Fluff's advice.
I'm a cat, but I need to work and even use human toilet so my humans don't have to spend money on kitty litter. My slave cannot continue to work for free for much longer. Please consider becoming a paid subscriber or making a donation through her blog
She is helping you in breaking free from the enslaving system, which I fully support. Only we, the cats, can enslave humans!
And one more thing from me.
We don't need a hero.... It gives people the impression that someone else will help them. They are that someone else. Please share my article on science based ways to help the people with the experimental product