This newsletter began as a backup to my blog but has evolved into an independent news website where I publish articles on a variety of topics in addition to the weekly 'what's going on during the week' or Sunday Weekly Review. Support me by becoming a paid subscriber or donating via my blog. It's a way to keep it free to read for those who can't afford to donate even a small amount. Being a free subscriber and spreading the word also helps.
This week, I heard a heartbreaking story: parents want their baby to receive clean blood. They have donors, but doctors are refusing because they believe the blood is safe. They think that parents have no choice but to consent to their children's treatment, and that doctors, like in this case, have no evidence but simply believe that blood is safe. The hospital went so far as to request custody of the baby.... Imagine a court made up of people paid by the baby's parents deciding whether or not the baby will receive clean blood. You can learn more about it here.

I'll remind you once more that doctors and the government do not own your or your children's bodies. No matter what they say, they cannot refuse clean blood. It is a fundamental human right.
There is evidence that the product can be found in blood. People who have received experimental products should not be blood donors! It is against all ethical standards!
Note from the author, who holds a PhD as a result of her work with viruses: Even if it existed, it couldn't live on food ...
Meanwhile, fines for violating COVID restrictions in Australia will be revoked. Refunds will be paid by the taxpayers, not the people who created these bizarre and based on no evidence regulations. What kind of justice is this? Those who made these decisions and those who carried them out must pay and, at the very least, be imprisoned...

Suicide is marketed as a positive thing in Canada.
Who would want to live in a dictatorship anyway....
The Dutch and Austrian cut off Bulgaria for Schengen. We, the Bulgarian thank them and hope will do the same with the Euro.
There was protest against Bulgaria's entry into the euro area. The protesters united around the opinion that our country should not accept the euro, which would lead to a worsening of the economic conditions for the workers and to the destruction of the last remains of the country's sovereignty.
BulgExit on the way!
Croatian and Romanian brothers and sisters we pray for you. Be strong!
While still on EU….

That's not enough for the drugged Ukrainian puppet....

The strongest supporter of American interests in EU is a bit authoritarian and inhumane apparently, which isn't exactly breaking news.

So Germans and other Westerners want to live in Bulgaria, a third-rate EU country, because it is more democratic?!
While we're on the subject of America and Europe, here's some more unsurprising news... And yeah, remember the Nordstream….

There is no outrage over the disgusting things that Hollyweird, Balenciaga, and etc. Why? Because it is supported by woke ideology. The monsters are child predators.
And something about electric cars....

Naturally, the wisest and fluffiest of them all, Sir Mc Fluff offers some final advice.