Sunday Weekly Review
“He knows nothing; and he thinks he knows everything. That points clearly to a political career.” ~ George Bernard Shaw, Major Barbara
Nobody cares about the Western world anymore. Despite all of the propaganda and money, 80 percent of the globe does not favor the sanctions against Russia.
The West likes to suggest the narrative of a globally isolated Russia, whose economy is being ruined by Western sanctions and going bankrupt. But when you look at it honestly, Russia is neither isolated nor insolvent. On the contrary, the anti-Western bloc is becoming ever more powerful and the sanctions are coming back as a painful boomerang, especially in Europe.
The euro, which is sinking like the Titanic and now costs as much as an American dollar, is a good example of it.
It was, of course, the goal of America, which controls the EU and is owned by China.
The wealthy are concerned that they will not be as wealthy if the NWO fueled by them is adopted.
Yes, dears, smart will not be your slaves, but someone has to do the job.
Any energy is sustainable if it sustains the illegitimate idiots in the EU parliament who voted to extend the green certificate.
European Parliament backs listing nuclear energy, gas as 'green'
The push to label natural gas and nuclear energy as "green" in order to lure in more private investors was met with heavy resistance. But EU lawmakers ultimately gave it the green light.
The best comment on it in my Telegram chat (which you need to join).
Why they forgot the coal??? I ve heard he identifies himself as green !!! 🤡🤡🤡
Hungary, arguably the only EU member sate that has refused to submit to EU enslavement and still receives gas from Russia, is now being requested to share it with the rest of the EU countries because they need it. Same Hungary that is constantly pushed for being independent by the illegitimate EU officials. The response was NO, NO WAY, COMMIES!
There is an anti-EU movement in many EU countries for a reason. WEF controls the EU, and their goal is to ruin the EU's economies and make them vassal to whichever psychopath pays the most.
Foreign ministers from the Group of 20 rich and developing countries (G20) met in Bali. What did they decide? Same old bushtit. China and Russia are coming closer. The Western world is poor and lonely. “I apologize for repeating myself.

The Netherlands and Canada are putting the NWO's digital ID to the test using the olden golden coercion.

In addition to being the "sick man of Europe," poor Germany now has a zombie virus.
Imagine being raised in a communist country and thinking, "Well, I got it to the west, and I ended up in the best western country, Germany”, only to discover that it's the ‘sick man of Europe’. So, this is me... Am I surprised? No. Am I concerned? Absolutely not. We've survived worse. We are not afraid of “zombie” viruses or a lack of heating, power, and hot water. We're supposed to be dead anyway, according to Karl Lauterbach.
The same health minister of Germany now presented a seven-point plan for another pandemic based on unicorn data.

Germans are among the most intelligent people on the planet, hence they ended up with this. Europe's sick man is led by sick people. As is the rest of the western world.
Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has resigned. He will be replaced by another WEF puppet in no time.
Elon Musk has made headlines again for his contribution to global population growth and his rejection of the deal with Twitter. Employees at Twitter who were once opposed to it are now outraged because they believe he is destroying the company....
Twitter orders staff to stop talking about Elon Musk's $44B takeover because it is an 'ongoing legal matter' as woke workers whine he's 'f**king destroyed the company' after terminating deal
I asked my followers what do they think about it. Take a look.

I think he wanted to know how many users are genuine and not bots. He should have that information that before investing so much money. It appears that what he discovered was not what he wanted, so he pulled out. It's not a good deal.
Is it good or bad for free speech?
I don't feel free after being set free.
I don't think it matters who owns Twitter. What matters is that silencing voices inevitably leads to dictatorship, and now this is happening on a global scale.
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