Sunday Weekly Review
It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. ~ Henry Ford
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Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, delivered the most bizarre speech ever.

Yes, it's even worse than the one from last week. You may read it here.
I'll repeat the craziest part.
If you look at the costs of electricity, there are peak demands. And this is what is expensive, because, in these peak demands, the expensive gas comes into the market. So what we have to do is to flatten the curve and avoid the peak demands.
She was also oddly dressed as IKEA or the Ukrainian flag, and she had a nice trip for some picture ops in a so-called war zone. Paid for by slaves, I mean us (her ancestors were slave owners in America so nothing new for her).

And there was no word by about what’s going on in Armenia.
The Aliyev regime forces raped this Armenian woman, semi beheaded her, stabbed her, gouged her eyes out and replaced them with stones, cut out her fingers out and shoved them in her mouth.

At least someone in the European Parliament told Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen what everyone else is thinking. His name is Martin Sonnenborn.

The problem here is that, despite knowing it, most people do nothing. Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen and her owners are destroying the EU countries right before our our eyes. They are doing it with our own money.
The oppressor would not be so strong if he did not have accomplices among the oppressed.
~ Simone de Beauvoir, The Ethics of Ambiguity
The FDA is displaying the product as something we should be charged with or update. They normalize the digitization of our own perfectly functioning bodies. It is predictive programming, which they are well aware works flawlessly.
And this did not begin recently; it was planned a long time ago. Bankers and those who own the world want complete control over us.

Of course, the media is the first to brainwash as it is something good.

Here is what one of the world's top journalists, Edward R. Murrow, thinks about media.
There is nothing unusual about what is going on because one of the guys behind it is a eugenist who owned a software company whose products require frequent updates. This is, indeed, Bill Gates. I made a thread on him a while ago.

Here's another.

And all this is summarized by a prominent German newspaper, which I noticed yesterday while shopping....
A picture is worth a thousand words. Yes, he doesn't want to hide it since he and his pals believe they've won... Well, there is one little stubborn country in Europe that will not allow it. I predicted it over a year ago, maybe because I am from there. Yes, this is Bulgaria. Yes, we Bulgarians will not be enslaved by Bill Gates and his buddies.

Here's more evidence. Guess which EU country has the lowest product intake and the lowest excess mortality - Bulgaria, of course.

I know that now many people want to move to Bulgaria, so I've written some useful pieces about Bulgaria. Take a peek.