Sunday Weekly Review
If the government service implements a rule that you did not consent to, you should not follow it and should not pay any fines.
We continued with the same news this week: healthy people far from old age dying from natural causes, protests everywhere you have no idea about because mass media is only interested in propaganda and diverting your attention with Vanity Fair as the Oscars or cold blooded parasites known as Royals. Politicians are being called out, but that is useless because they must be removed. Governments progressed to rob us not only through taxes but by raising prices, turning most of the Western world into one big banana republic with banks falling as fast as the potential GMOs.
Where do we begin? I'll start with an interview with the guys from Norfolk who went viral for doing something completely logical: calling out service women for violating their basic human rights.
Here's the video:
They were interviewed after it, and while you should definitely watch the interview, which also had an adequate interviewer, I want to draw your attention to something they said that you must memorize, understand, and practice: If the government service implements a rule that you did not consent to, you should not follow it and should not pay any fines.
If the police come to arrest you, you should arrest the service provider because they are violating your rights.

The response to my tweet contains some good ideas for opposing tyrannical regimes. Read and spread the word. I'll write a summary shortly.

For a change, an honest politician. She stated what I had said several times. Maybe you'll listen to her and take action.

Many EU citizens want to leave the EU and NATO because membership in these organizations is destroying their lives. Of course, you won't hear that in the news. They aren't even mentioned in the local media. That is why you need my Sunday Weekly Review and should encourage others to read it. People are fighting against evil. Not everything is lost!
99% of politicians are the worst of society, and we pay them to do abdominal things on us!
Germany's lying health minister, Karl Lauterbach put on the spot on national TV about his misleading information statements about safety of the Corona injections. (English subtitles).
Lauterbach stated that if people did not have gene product by March 2022, they should have died. I frequently believe we did, and this is hell...
Politicians and their masters ruin our lives three years in a row. False pandemic, falsified energy crisis……
Climate lockdowns have already started and are being promoted by the media and the WHO: 15-minute cities or smart cities. Lauterbach stated that the climate lockdowns will employ the same methods as COVID-19, namely coercion and manipulation.
Of course, there is a way to stop it: once again, do not consent!

Parasites are after the children. It is yet another reason to eliminate their influence in every aspect of our lives. They are everywhere, but always in positions of influence. Please share the video below.
The elites are parasites. Simply do not be their host. Don't take their advice, don't buy their products, and let them know what you think of them. Make their ego and low self-esteem squirm.
Another distraction. Putin is just as bad as the rest of them. They are the same. We need to get rid of all of them.

As the falling banks.

I sincerely believe that banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.
~ Thomas Jefferson
How many bankers have you seen arrested after stealing other people's money? 0. It is because the law is designed for regular people. Now you regulars are aware that you should not follow it.
Keep as much money out of banks as possible and trade with one another. The less the parasites know about you, the better.
The Greta thing is a lying puppet, but that's not news.
There is a reason for it. Green agenda is falling out.Read this article and share it.
And back to one of the most serious problems of our time: the blood contamination.

Response was expected. Most people do not want contaminated blood. The problem is that many people still believe they don't have a choice. I am the only one who shows that they do. Here's again with an update.
I need help and support. I can't do much more without donations or a few paying subscribers. After reading it, please go here and donate.
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Nobody on the planet does what I do, and all I get in return is to stay cold and hungry. Read my story again.
I can't live as a normal human being because I sacrificed myself for humanity! I have the option of making all my writings paid, but this means that all of this vital information will be unavailable. The only way I can continue to provide my services for free is if each of you donates even a small amount.
I'm working on a Natural affordable remedy series that will be even more useful. Depending on your response, it could be free or paid.