Sunday Weekly Review
“The one who falls and gets up is stronger than the one who never tried. Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.” ~ Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
Elon Musk has returned to the spotlight with a tweet portraying the liberated blue bird.
My response was that until I see my old account restored, he is just a phony looking for attention. Your actions, not your words, show who you really are.
COVID skeptics are intelligent critical thinkers, according to MIT. “Mind-blowing”!

Perhaps because we are familiar with the scientific method.
We will soon have a platform for it called Genuine Science. A website with a magazine created and funded by genuine critical thinkers.
The new covid is monkeypox. It's not exactly breaking news.
Of course, if it may be profitable, why not use it as a source of income? Guess who made the PCR test two weeks into monkeypox? Drosten - the man behind the first SARS-CoV and the fake PCR test. Prepare to be locked up for 21 days because PCR test is capable of catching anything. “Bonus” points: all of your contacts will be locked as well.
Are you in good health? In NWO, healthy means sick.... Tests are designed to make money, not to keep you healthy.
Davos-WEF- WHO demons revealed their plans once more. They are so certain that they will win that they aren't even hiding anything. You will be a slave to the Elites and used for whatever they choose. Here are some intriguing videos.
"COVID is the most profitable product ever?!"

Hmm, another proof that I am correct and that it is all about money and power.
Helen E. Clark is aware of dwindling public support for COVID restrictions. Her solution: full international control. Countries must comply with WHO edicts or lose access to the World Bank or face WTO sanctions. Globalization curtails your vote & freedoms.

According to Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, the world's population must be halved by 2023. His company has the best tool for the job.

Depeche Mode's keyboardist Andy Fletcher and actor Ray Liotta, died suddenly from natural causes. Until 2021, the natural cause of death was when people reached the age of 90. What happened that healthy people in their 60s and younger began dying of natural causes? People who can afford care.... They were killed by the experimental medical treatment, and the guy who developed such therapies stated that the human population should be reduced. The majority of the Elites make similar claims. Bourla did not take the product....
I'm not a psychologist, but as an older and more experienced person, I can tell you for certain: huge egos go with small brains. As a biologist, I can affirm that nature maintains balance. People are awakening. Those who oppose WHO global takeover are a minority, according to the bloodthirsty beast Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, but this actually means the opposite.

Every day, we grow stronger and wiser. Parasites will not be able to govern the planet for long. The countdown has begun!
It (I can't call it a human) and the rest of the parasites are terrified. Will they make us agree if we disagree?
How? We can easily get rid of them. Their army will not be able to stop us, and their army is made up of regular folk like us. At the very least, some will rebel against the parasites.

Yes, the world is awakening faster than parasites expected. Brazil, Russia, Hungary, India, Turkey, and Bulgaria are among the countries that oppose the WHO treaty.

Meanwhile, another tragedy struck America, raising the question of why cops did nothing to prevent it. Why wasn't the shouter captured before it started, despite knowing what he was planning? Why did they stand there and watch him shoot children? Who placed the order? What was the aim?
The girl and a friend managed to get her dead teacher's phone and call 911 for help. She said she told a dispatcher, "Please come ... we're in trouble."
Miah said she was scared the gunman would return to her classroom to kill her and a few other surviving friends. So, she dipped her hands in the blood of a classmate -- who lay next to her, already dead -- and then smeared the blood all over herself to play dead.
Miah said it felt like three hours that she lay there, covered in her classmate's blood, with her friends.
She told CNN she assumed at that point the police hadn't arrived on the scene yet.
She said afterward, she overheard talk of police waiting outside the school. As she recounted this part of the story to CNN, she started crying, saying she just didn't understand why they didn't come inside and rescue them.
Tools cause no harm. People do it.
Ukraine's war is no longer news, but politicians' acts are. Even in the prosperous Western world, some cannot afford basic essentials..... They were told that Putin was to blame. If it is true that he has cancer, he will not live long, but we will struggle until the elite parasites are removed.
Reality is frightening, however terrified cattle are not what we need. We need courageous people. People of bravery who will lead the world towards a new future. Everyone who isn't afraid is the new leader. Make use of your brain and your words.
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So Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla statement: "the world's population must be halved by 2023" seems to be different on the WEF YouTube. Who to believe?