Sunday Weekly Review
Elites will implement the same scaremongering strategy for monkey pox as they did with COVID, but we now know how to fight back. Update: WHO will hold emergency meeting on it.
Updated at 9:22 am CEST
You know what happened after the last WHO emergency meeting! Are you WHO slave? Show that you aren’t!
Until recently, dead babies were a rare occurrence in the Western world. What could the cause be? They were being subjected to a horrific experiment.
The spread of monkey pox is breaking news. The media refuses to reveal why, but I did.
Yes, those who had their cells and immunity hacked brought back new and old diseases. Thank you for absolutely nothing! Because you can't use your brain and listen to the corrupted governments, tech guys, and mass-indoctrination media, now you will instantly slaughter grannies and newborns.
WEF-WHO knew what will happen and will use it to lock us again. There is no such a thing as coincidence!

Lovely Germany is one of several western countries where the rule of law is a door in the field.
The obligation to vaccinate against the coronavirus for certain professional groups remains in place. The Federal Constitutional Court decided this and thus dismissed complaints from employees in the health care system.
So the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany believes that people should be injected with experimental medical products in order to work. A substance that will harm them and turn them into pathogen breeders and spreaders. It primarily affects healthcare workers. People who work with the most vulnerable will breed pathogens and spread them!!!! The situation is similar in Australia.
Germany's health minister stated that more experimental medical products will be ready for the autumn. Why a person who has never worked for anyone other than a corporation's interests became a health minister is another story. He and his predecessor declared that all persons in Germany who are not injected with the product will die by the end of March 2022. As far as I know, I am still alive, as are my family and clean friends.
While we're on the subject of health ministers, Bulgarian health minister Asena Serbezova who "coincidently" never worked for anything other than pharma interests: "Monkey pox is extremely dangerous." The eateries and cafes may have to close."
The flashy elites are back to Davos. They will lecture us about avoiding traveling and eating bugs since we harm the environment while they will be eating meat and fly from massive mansions on polluting jets. We need to get rid of them as soon as possible. They are the contagion!

The Ministry of Truth in America has been put on hold as a result of the criticism it has received. WOW, my American brothers and sisters, I am very proud of you! You may have some f**ked up states, but it appears that not all is lost.
Censorship is advertising paid by the government.
― Federico Fellini
Prices for everything are skyrocketing. When my cat learned about it, he was not pleased.
Well, buddy, you might need to remember how your ancestors survived in the wild and maybe share a mouse or a bird with us soon.... You might even be able to get us a rabbit.
Stocks had their worst day in more than two years. What happened two years ago? Lockdowns! What occurred two years ago? Lockdowns! What could be the reason now?
The WHO meeting in Geneva is next week. Prepare for the worst. I plan to learn more about monkey pox, which is similar to variola, or small pox eradicated in 1980 or they said so. Of course, PCR will be used to "detect" it.
Elites will implement the same scaremongering strategy for monkey pox as they did with COVID, but we now know how to fight back. Inform yourself, and enlighten everyone else!
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