Social Media Censorship Must End
While social networks are privately owned, their influence over the general public is far too great, and censoring valuable information on these platforms is unacceptable.
In recent years, social media has evolved from a platform for sharing funny pictures and quotes to a source for information that is not available in traditional media. Governments and corporations became aware of this and began to aggressively buy our data, manipulate the content, and censor it. Algorithms were developed to filter "good" and "bad" content. Fact-checking came into play. It began with Facebook, where censorship is comparable to that of North Korea, and anything opposing the current new abnormal narrative, such as peado-gender policies, the pseudo-green agenda, and COVID, is either invisible or directly removed.
My first Twitter lock was in 2019 for posting the statement "men are not women". I needed to delete it in order to gain access to the platform. Little did I know that in 2020, Twitter and Facebook would censor any information that did not fit the COVID-19 narrative or the gene product known as COVID-19 vaccines. LinkedIn directly deleted my account, along with my blog and contacts, in August 2020 after I asked WHO why none of their COVID-19 policies are supported by any reliable data. Following that, I am unable to work as a science writer. I was forced to start from scratch.
The winter of 2021-22 was one of the the darkest in human history, as billions of people were forced to take a product that would kill them. My influential Twitter account was deactivated for informing people about the dangers of locking people up for a non-existent danger, experimental COVID-19 vaccines, and contaminated blood supply. My website was blacklisted. It happened to other people who criticized the COVID-19 narrative. We may have been able to save many lives, but we were canceled and thus unable to do so.
When billionaire humanity knight wannabe Elon Musk bought Twitter in the spring of 2022, he promised that the "bird" would be free and that Twitter would be a place for people to share opinions. I was allowed back on the platform, but I had become invisible. Nonetheless, Elon continued to promote his platform's progressiveness and renamed it to the bizarre X. He declared that X is the place of free speech which will kill the mainstream media and is currently the only place where people can find news from a variety of sources. He, of course like all of his elite-parasite allies, deceives and does not care about us. His big ego and lack of reasoning are reflected in the policy he does not want his followers to be aware of: freedom of speech does not imply freedom of reach.
It's on X website 👇.
I recently received a warning that demonstrated again how deeply disturbed the elites are. They make it clear: we are free to speak up, but our vocal cords will be cut off.
Since few anti-narrative activists received this message, I accept it as a badge of honor. I am delighted to be the black sheep.
Don't forget that no one can tell people where to get information or what is real information.
While social networks are privately owned, their influence over the general public is far too great, and censoring valuable information on these platforms is unacceptable.
If you are on any of these networks, please post this and ask:
Why I and people like me are being censored?
Why people should not read about blood supply contamination caused by COVID-19 vaccines containing graphene, a substance with deadly properties?
Why people should not read anything that contradicts the current narrative?
Freedom of speech also includes freedom of reach!
🔴 Tag me in your posts and follow me at However, to see what I post, you must go to my account.
We can't let a few egomaniacs screw us up!
Social media has power, but so does word-of-mouth. Print out my and other anti-narrative activists' articles and put them on park benches and in mailboxes (like in white rose movement). Wearing a keepy mask is still common, so a black hoodie and mask will make you undetectable to multiple cameras.
Please consider supporting my work. As you can see, I am frequently the only person confronting and researching pressing issues. I am censored and not invited to any media, so I do not earn any money. I cannot work in my field because of what I research.
If you want to support my work, you can become a paid subscriber
or donate once through my blog, where you can choose between PayPal and direct transfer options
You can also read and share my Genuine Science articles on my blog. There, I discuss science news and challenges. I also made a podcast. I do it all by myself on an old laptop.
I post links to many of your articles on gab (I hope it gets you some subscribers). I'm not on any other social media, because I would rather be the customer, not the product that's being sold.