I recommend that you watch this video about medical-pharma-government abuse of humanity. The video is in English with Bulgarian subtitles.
Read my post about it here.
Subscribing to my newsletter or donating through my blog helps to support my independent science and journalism work. Read about the criminal negligence of blood supply contamination, which is another way for the pharmaceutical industry to generate customers https://genuineprospect.com/2022/01/29/your-blood-donor-bank-is-contaminated-with-blood-containing-gene-therapy-products/
Re-What Went Wrong With The Pharma Industry
Re-What Went Wrong With The Pharma Industry
Re-What Went Wrong With The Pharma Industry
I recommend that you watch this video about medical-pharma-government abuse of humanity. The video is in English with Bulgarian subtitles.
Read my post about it here.
Subscribing to my newsletter or donating through my blog helps to support my independent science and journalism work. Read about the criminal negligence of blood supply contamination, which is another way for the pharmaceutical industry to generate customers https://genuineprospect.com/2022/01/29/your-blood-donor-bank-is-contaminated-with-blood-containing-gene-therapy-products/