Philippe de Villiers On NATO, France and Europe
".. I am impressed by the surrender of the whole Brussels area to NATO directives. In the spirit of a past Atlanticism, European politicians are hurting their countries in order to enrich Uncle Sam"
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Philippe de Villiers is a novelist, entrepreneur, and politician from France. He recently gave an intriguing interview to Le Figaro. Some of the parts are translated below.
"I'm not sure what Putin is doing. At the same time, I am impressed by the surrender of the whole Brussels area to NATO directives. In the spirit of a past Atlanticism, European politicians are hurting their countries in order to enrich Uncle Sam, who is gaining the full benefits of the conflict from his oil shale. It is becoming evident that the European Union is essentially an extension of NATO. France is not acting like a world power. Turkey is filling the position of mediator that France was intended to perform. The Commissioners in Brussels are America's guards.”
"France is becoming America's campus, and our elites are adopting a new religion in which paradise is racialized, intersectionalized, and sexualized, and "white males," Western men”, are being beaten at the gates of hell, doomed by their masculinity, their "toxic masculinity," and "systemic racism." How lower we can go? Poor Benville* must be turning in his grave: 'France is a better kind. It is a nation.”`
"The Maastricht utopia witnessed an unparalleled event in the history of European nations: the annihilation of politics. European construction was only a show. It was, in fact, deconstruction. The goal was not to establish a new political organization, but to put an end to politics. The concept of country annihilation was behind this apolitical structure. And there was no indication of a new one. So here we are now, with a Europe without of body, soul, and roots. Europe is an ideological orphan, that seeks to suffocate the rebellion of the other Europe, the sensual Europe of Poles, Hungarians, and Italians."
*Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville is French explorer, colonial governor of Louisiana, and founder of New Orleans.