Intermittent fasting is an eating plan in which there are periods of not eating at all (fasting) and then eating only healthy foods with limited sugar intake. The significant reduction in calorie intake helps our body in eliminating all waste while improving overall body functions.
Fasting is typically done for several hours, one or two days every few weeks, or even more frequently. Solid food should be kept to a minimum, while water teas and coffee are acceptable as long that there are no more than two cups per day.
I do it, and it's much easier to follow than I expected, and I have a lot of energy. This is my personal experience, but what does scientific research say about it?
During fasting, the energy normally needed for digestion, resorption, transport, and storage of nutrients, is saved. The cell switches to a protected mode, where the aging pathways are deactivated [4]: the genes expressed are those activating repair enzymes. Healthy cells turn into a multiple resistance state [47], whereas cancer cells are weakened by the lack of glucose, proteins, and IGF-1.
In other words, according to science, intermittent fasting helps prevent and treat the majority of common diseases! So, dears, gluttony is a bad thing. It's common sense, right?! Naturally, with physical activity as well.
List of the benefits of intermittent fasting:
Intermittent fasting helps to prevent obesity. It is the most effective way to gradually lose weight and maintain a healthy weight.
It is good for your cardiovascular system and heart.
Intermittent fasting lowers the risk of a stroke.
Not eating helps prevent neurodegenerative diseases and improves brain function.
Intermittent fasting aids in the fight against inflammation, which is the underlying cause of many diseases.
It promotes growth hormone production and longevity.
Intermittent fasting prevents cancer and improves cancer patients' overall health.
It is beneficial to people with type 2 diabetes, but it should be done carefully and with some solid food.
Intermittent fasting improves skin appearance.
During fasting, cells initiate a process known as autophagy, in which they remove dysfunctional proteins and recycle components of themselves.
Recent evidence from clinical trials shows that medically supervised modified fasting (200-500 kcal nutritional intake/day) with periods from 7 to 21 days is efficacious in the treatment of rheumatic diseases and chronic pain syndromes. Here, fasting is frequently accompanied by increased alertness and mood enhancement.
It is obvious that intermittent fasting is extremely beneficial for people who have received the so-called COVID-19 vaccine.
Despite its numerous benefits, it is not suitable for children, pregnant women, or the elderly (who eat less anyway).
If you are taking any medications, limit your activities and stay at home when you are not eating.
If you live alone, have the phone number of someone close by in case you become unwell.
If you feel dizzy or unwell while fasting, stop immediately and gradually resume eating.
A note from me.
I am quite healthy, move a lot, and do not gain weight quickly. Unfortunately, stress and getting older began to have a negative impact on me. I decided to do something about it because running on coffee and fast calories to get a quick energy boost is not right.
I began the change "cold turkey" with intermittent fasting and a diet rich in animal proteins and fats, with occasional fruits and vegetables. Sugar consumption, if not from fruits, is minimal. I noticed an immediate change and have more energy. My body and skin look a lot better. Even my mood has improved for the better. I also use other ancient healing and rejuvenation techniques, as well as my own expertise of biology and quantum biology.
My method is a low-cost way to improve mental and physical health. It doesn’t need expensive and harmful supplements and medicines.
I'll be publishing my findings in detail soon. Please share, subscribe, and support my research and work by making a donation through my blog or by getting a paid subscription.
I do not sell supplements, and because of my anti-narrative activism, I cannot share my knowledge anywhere other than here and on my blog.
I am still the only anti-narrative activist who warns about blood supply contamination from COVID-19 vaccines and teaches people how to avoid getting contaminated blood. I'm not sure why, when the evidence is clear, the rest say nothing about it. There was even a recent article published in a mainstream science journal.
People who live in countries with a high COVID-19 intake rate are especially vulnerable.
*The list is much longer, but I'm only showing a handful of studies to demonstrate it's thoroughly researched.