After being suddenly let back on Twitter, despite not receiving the same response as previously, I did get retweets, which meant that a lot more people saw my work.
In recent days, the response has been nearly zero. It happens to be the same week that Elon Musk took over Twitter. Maybe my gut was wrong.... I'm completely shadowbanned. I have 22.4K followers, yet none of them has reacted to this post.

I work hard to help you see the world from different perspectives and to explain science, so now I need your help.
Please share this on Twitter or any other social media platform. Tell everyone that I tweet but am shadowbanned, so just check my account and share my tweets. Every Sunday, I publish a recap of the week's most important stories.
Please also consider making a donation via my blog or becoming a paid subscriber. No matter how much I'd like to keep it free in the absence of funding, I will soon have to limit access to my blog posts and this newsletter to those who can afford to pay. I simply cannot afford to work for free.
Due the lack of support, Genuine Science Journal project which will benefit everyone will be placed on hold as well.
I still believe that you value my work and will help. Show me that I am right.
I've been banned from Twitter for life for sharing truths about the globalist predator total slavery agenda and how the jabs are an essential component.