As you may be aware, the product alters cells. It means that the cell that operates in a specific way that allows it to function successfully suddenly has to do something else after the product mRNA enters it. Of course, the other processes would be disrupted, which might eventually lead to cell death. I came across a research that proves that. According this study after the first shot with the product “the ribosomal RNA structure changed drastically, and destructive changes seemed to result in the quantitative inhibition in the process of translation and transcription. This destructive influence became more and more prominent according to the serial vaccinations, even at 6 months after the first injection. These changes resulted in the broad inhibitory effects in numerous signaling transfer network.” Link to the study:
It may appear confusing, so here’s what it means.
First what is Ribosomal RNA? Ribosomal RNA translates messenger RNA (mRNA) information into protein. Ribosomal RNAs are part of molecular structures called ribosomes.
What happens when the cells need to produce the spike protein from the product? When humans are injected with the product, their cells must produce protein that they typically do not, and in levels that are uncontrolled. It inevitably leads to infringe of the ribosomal mRNA functions. It affects not only this new protein production but the production of the other proteins. It also alters other vital cell processes.
What would it lead to at the end? Death.
We have no idea how the whole process works at molecular level. This is the first look at it. It should therefore have undergone thorough testing on animals, cultured organs, or in silico simulations before being administered to people. That was not done properly, but instead 65% of the human population was coerced to have it because the slogans said it would allow you to be free, work, travel, and so on. It is unprecedented in human history! That isn’t all! The European Medicines Agency approved it for babies! Remember that developing cells are even more sensitive to such interference with their functions.
What should you do now? Share it, talk about it…. Don’t allow them go after the kids since they are the target.
The study also suggests potential repair strategies, which is excellent news. I’ll look into it more, but I need your support to keep my blog and this newsletter free for all readers, so please consider donating via my blog or becoming paid subscriber.
The researchers make another important claim.
“It is noteworthy that the present study could demonstrate the virions and virion part were detected in number by Gene Ontology enrichment analysis. This is another proof to the reported facts [17] that the partial mRNA of the virus injected could spontaneously produce multiple virus copy in the recipients.”
I can explain that by the fact that they only detected what the cells produced so the spike protein, and perhaps the product encourages the formation of additional extracellular vesicles containing spike protein.
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Yes this is right on point.