Get Rid Of The Mask Of Ignorance
Masks are to keep you quiet, not to protect you! ~ Milen Tsvetkov, Bulgarian journalist murdered in 2020.
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While I was at a store today, an older gentleman asked where he might get masks. He got an FFP2 mask, which he would most likely use it multiple times for public transportation and hospital visits. This is the requirement to use these services in Germany from October 2022 (we need tests for hospitals as well). Germany is one of the few countries pushing for the collapsing narrative. It is collapsing because now the media and some medical doctors speak about the danger of the product for example. Masks and the other so called measures are barely mentioned. The reason they are doing it now is that they want to hide their connection in it after making large sums of money from it.
The problem with FFP2 or the medical masks is that they cannot prevent the spread of any bacteria or viruses due to the obvious (or perhaps not) fact that these masks are not designed for mass use.
Masks are quickly contaminated and must be changed every several hours.
Recently, the renowned science journal Nature has published a study revealing that the inside side (face-side) of masks is contaminated with bacteria and fungi. Of course, they downplay it since the article states “Although most identified microbes were non-pathogenic in humans; Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, and Cladosporium“. All of the germs mentioned above can cause sickness and death. Nature downplays the risk because, like all science journals, it only publishes data that supports the narrative. When evidence obviously contradicts it, they will only allow it in if it diminishes its importance. At the very least, they are honest about not recommending masks: “We propose that immunocompromised people should avoid repeated use of masks to prevent microbial infection.“
Masks restrict breathing (I have small sinuses and can't breathe via my nose, thus masks suffocate me).
Masks obstruct normal communication, particularly with children.
Masks are dehumanizing because are used to torture prisoners of war and slaves.
Masks contribute to the pollution of our already polluted environment.
Conservation organization OceansAsia reported that 1.56 billion face masks went into the ocean since the start of COVID-19 measures. A disposable mask needs about 450 years to biodegrade. Million masks = tons of polluted soil, and water. Another strain on nature is the growing use of plastic, gloves, syringes, and vials for the gene products. Wildlife mistakenly views masks and gloves as food. Animals die from poisoning or suffocation because masks, in particular, contain hazardous substances.
*Take note that the report is from December 7, 2020. Imagine the situation in two years.
Masks encourage the attitude of viewing other humans as plague-carrying vermin. When the mask restriction for stores was lifted here, older people ran away from me since I didn't have mask. I am a tall, healthy-looking middle-aged woman. Normally, I am the first to be asked if they need help. After two years of brainwashing, I am accepted as a threat from which they must flee.
If you agree, please forward it to everyone who promotes the masks narrative. Translate if necessary.
Here are some recommended readings.
Bacterial and fungal isolation from face masks under the COVID-19 pandemic
Experimental Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Content in Inhaled Air With or Without Face Masks in Healthy Children. A Randomized Clinical Trial
Report finds that “masks were contaminated with bacteria, parasites, and fungi, including three with dangerous pathogenic and pneumonia-causing bacteria. Although the test is capable of detecting viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, only one virus was found on one mask (Alcelaphine herpesvirus 1).”
Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis
Berlin Senate: No investigations into negative mask consequences (in German, use online translator)
Masks are used to torture prisoners
Estimated 1.56 billion face masks will have entered oceans in 2020 - OceansAsia Report For Immediate Release: December 7, 2020