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Fixing the damage caused by the gene product (also known as the COVID-19 vaccine) is a nearly impossible task because we don't know what was injected and in what amount. I recently discovered some studies that provide hope.
The first study gives information about the potential mechanism of action of the COVID-19 vaccine. It interferes with the ribosomal mRNA functions, i.e. cell protein production, which eventually leads to cell death. The study also shows that damage can be repaired with the mushroom Huaier - Trametes robiniophila Murr. It has been used as a traditional Chinese medicine for over 1,600 years and is a well-known supplemental cancer therapy treatment. People who received so-called COVID-19 vaccines could use it since it hasn't caused any adverse reactions. Since one of the COVID-19 vaccine's expected side effects is cancer, taking Huaier may be even more beneficial. The extract is easy to find online. I don't sell it and have never used it, so I can't recommend a specific brand.
As we all know, spike protein is one of the causes of blood clots and heart problems in people who have been vaccinated. We don't know how much of the spike protein is produced and for how long, nor how much is neutralized by the immune system. It is due to a lack of clinical data and the rushed implementation of the product. In some cases, it may be produced continuously, eventually leading to death. It could explain why fit males appear to have a higher risk of death - their healthy cells simply produce far too much of it. I found a study showing that the enzyme Nattokinase, extracted from the Japanese food nattō, can degrade the spike protein and has the highest clot-dissolving potency among the naturally known anticoagulants. Nattokinase does not cause any side effects. It also has anticancer properties. Again, I cannot recommend a brand, but I would advise anyone who has received so-called vaccines to take some.
I know that people are concerned about nanoparticles in vaccines. I would advise them to try detoxing. Activated charcoal can absorb them, so take some while drinking plenty of water. Medicinal clay should have similar properties.
So, dear people who took the product and want to live.
Please take as many of the tests as suggested here to get an idea of how your body is reacting.
Take Huaier and Nattokinase in the meantime.
Detox your body and soul.
Try these herbs as well.
I understand you're upset because you were forced to get something so bad, but I and others will help you. If I discover anything else, I will publish it.
Check out the latest version of my entire protocol.
Updated on July 14, 2024.
*Updated on July 28, 2024
Intermittent Fasting & longer fasts increase autophagy & may correct for mitochondria dysfunction and misfolded protein from aging, covid19 or mRNA vaccines. Anyone with diabetes, cancer, long covid, vaccine side effect, auto-immune disease or any other chronic condition should try this.
I do have a question on this. I have tried to find an online source to buy Huaier, but apparently didn't find any. Could you provide a source?