Fear is a natural human feeling. It prevents taking unnecessary risks. Fear is a good for the business and tool to control as well.
Insurances for example are based on some estimated and often unrealistic fear even the health ones. We can’t predict our chances of accidents or diseases, but we are conditioned to worry and pay a vast amount of money to companies that in case we need help try to avoid paying us. We can save more by just putting money away for accidents and use when needed.
Fear is money but fear is a power too. I grew up in a communist state. Until 1989 what we knew about the western world is that a dangerous place where people live in poverty. We weren’t let to actually go and check if that is true. Only our leaders could and normally they would return very happy. There were rumors that they bring nice things like clothes, toys and food from the scary west where everybody is suffering. Some of us were wondering how in such a bad place people can have nice things. Meanwhile we were living in gray word with little of no choice of almost everything. Bananas, oranges, and mandarins were available only for New Year (Christmas didn’t exist). When the Iron wall fall we found out that all was a lie. West wasn’t bad than east and in many cases was actually better.
Now we are in a similar situation.
Fear from a virus which nobody can tell where came from nor can show proof of isolation according to the scientific method is used to install corporate tyranny. Any alternative opinion is canceled. I as one of the first to challenge the narrative found out my LinkedIn deleted without any warning. I make the mistake to question the World Health Organization who is acting as world oppressors denying even our right for bodily autonomy. We never voted for these people but the truth is that the people we voted for are the same. Meanwhile, they act like there is no pandemic while away from the spotlight. They don’t follow any of the measures - this is for the regulars. I wrote some time ago that is pandemic for the plebs but it is at dangerous levels since now we don’t only need to obey rules which have nothing to do with epidemiology but we have to be forcibly injected by an experimental product. Even during the communism we had at least the right of boldly anatomy. My own sister had an exempt for some medical procedures during the communism but now can’t have it.
All decision makers are some kind of connected to pharma companies in all countries. Soon even buying food will be denied for the ones who want to be unaltered. Yes, fear has a power since a big part of the population is afraid to the level of wanting to exterminate us - the healthy people! We need to challenge it and do everything we can to destroy that iron wall again despite having such powerful forces against us. Doesn’t matter what happens common man is stronger than any kind of evil!
Jacky Comforty directed the 2001 documentary “The Optimists,” about how Bulgaria foiled Hitler’s extermination plans. “We have an example of the power of the common man to stop genocide,” Comforty told The Washington Post in 2013, on the 70th anniversary of Bulgarians’ mass protests.
Photo by
Vie Studio
If you want to know more about why the current situation in the world reminds me of my life in communist country read my book “What Happened” for free by downloading it from here.
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