Don't Underestimate The Power of AI To Destroy Humanity
Are you comfortable that a program can decide if you can live or die?
For most of the people artificial intelligence (AI) means some kind of a harmless program helping doing our everyday tasks. That was the initial idea behind it (or at least I hope so). In the past years AIs are used for much more complicated tasks and even replace humans. Everybody has been in a chat with a chatbot. All social media are almost human free. Reaching human service help is getting more and more difficult since more and more businesses rely on it. It is logical from a business point of view, since it’s cheaper but so decreases the service quality.
An AI can’t make complex decisions and solve complicated problems. Yet AIs are used for it. We would think that these decisions are monitored and justified by human but even that is rare nowadays.
When I moved to Germany, I wanted to buy smartphone and sim card but it was denied. The reason was AI scanned my German bank account and since there were no transactions (I just opened it), it made me unreliable customer. I complained and reached human customer service, to which I explained that I just moved there. The response was that doesn’t matter. I am still unreliable and I didn’t get the phone. What is appealing here that AIs can enter our bank details without any problem. It also means that the people who control AI can too. This is the other danger of an AI serviced world which of course is almost never discussed because most people aren’t aware of it. It is written in the small prints which nobody reads.
Making us dependent on AI isn’t dangerous only because we could be controlled by a few people actually. It is dangerous because is removing the human part of all services. No AI can compare to human’s brain flexibility. Services cannot be dehumanized because it will make them useless. AIs are used in the predicting current pandemics. Programs which are not made for it because it is impossible. Infectious disease spread is way too complicated to be analyzed only by computers yet it is. Since 2020 AIs and the people behind are ruling all aspects of life; even the experimental medical products are made by AI using artificial sequences.
Since 2020 a large part of medical care is done by AIs. They decide if you can live or die. AIs decide is good for your health. Programs which have the lack of flexibility of the human brain and compassion. There are already advertisements of robotic nurses.
Giving too much power to AI must be discussed and analyzed, because the dependence of AI is already at dangerous levels. We are humans and only human can understand the needs of another one.
Imagine big power or internet shutdown. What we are going to do? we need AI independence. I wrote about the solution before and will point it out again - buy land and get self-sufficient! Create self-sufficient communities.
Photo by Tara Winstead from Pexels
“I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I were to guess like what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. So we need to be very careful with the artificial intelligence. Increasingly scientists think there should be some regulatory oversight maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish. With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon. In all those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram and the holy water, it’s like yeah he’s sure he can control the demon. Didn’t work out.”
~Elon Musk
You may be not be a fan of Elon Musk but he is one of the fewest intelligent rich people and knows a thing or two about AI.
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I’ve recognized this for a very long time. They destroyed my babies with their baby shots in the 1970s. I wrote this in lament:
AC—Artificial Children