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The last two years have opened people's minds to the truth that so-called healthcare is simply a business with human lives that has nothing to do with our well-being. We're just cash cows whose lives only matter as far as medical doctors, politicians, and corporations can make money from us. We are often given medications that only briefly ease symptoms while causing new ones.
There are numerous examples, like the post 2020 one.
I want to draw your attention to another example: cancer. We all know that cancer may be hereditary or caused by environmental factors, as well as food and drinks. Everyone knows someone who died as a result of cancer. Cancer took the lives of two of the most important people in my life: my father and my best friend.
I came across a tweet that led me to a video and further information about something that blew my mind: in 1976, a doctor from Texas, United States of America, discovered a cancer therapy. My friend and my father would be with us if it was made available to everyone but the FDA did not approve the treatment, while recently quickly approved a harmful and unnecessary product that has never been tested on humans. Yes, that is quite awful. Yes, all those involved should face consequences. Let's return to the cancer treatment, though. At first, I was like, "No way," but the evidence was convincing. Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski discovered that cancer patients don’t have or just have a small amount of peptides called antineoplastons in their blood and urine. Healthy people, on the other hand, have an abundance of these peptides. He checked if the cancer patients who receive isolated antineoplastons would improve. The outcome was favorable, but instead of being encouraged to pursue his studies, he was constantly challenged. He was able to continue and even founded his own institute, but getting antineoplaston therapy is nearly impossible for people who do not live in America. It is despite the fact that the cost of therapy is around 80 cents per treatment. Since it is not approved by the pharma-infested drug regulators, it is significantly more expensive even for the Americans.
Watch this video:
I'm not claiming that Burzynski's treatment is the best for all cancers. His scientific studies may be found here I'm writing this because his work is worth checking out and investigating. The fact that he is being so fiercely attacked by the FDA suggests that his treatment has at least some benefit for the cancer patients. Furthermore, it is far too inexpensive so no quick profits for the corporations and no money from drugs for the adverse reactions. I'm hoping that it will spark people's interest in this treatment. There are likely many similar treatments that might save lives but are being suppressed for the sake of easy profit. I can't go back in time and save my father and friend, but I can help others think about these suppressed therapies so someone else's father and friend could be saved! My duty as a scientist and a human being is to keep you informed!