2022 Review
“The mind once enlightened cannot again become dark.” ~ Thomas Paine
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2022 began as the end of 2021. People's rights to be free of the product that causes cell death have been brutally violated.
We, the clean were supposed to die by the end of March.
When we didn't, the media and governments kept pushing it.
Since their task of sickening or massacring the majority of the people had been completed, they let out the fake opposition.
Their aim is to invalidate the truth, which is that all was planned. Simply watch this video.

Also, to cultivate the idea that someone is watching over them and they shouldn't do anything. No need to worry.... Everyone will receive the “gift” of the new world from an elderly man with white hair. Well, it is the word of the WEF hell...
Of course there are good people who could assist, but our voices are being silenced. We are completely ignored by the media and further censored.
We have a new distorted war, but what isn't distorted in our world?!
Many politicians from all over the world made statements that sounded scarily similar to those made by well-known politician in the past. Statements that are frightening and inhumane.
This time, we are the only ones who can help ourselves remove these politicians and fix the world. Heroes exist only in Hollywood, which was designed to brainwash and exploit people.
Many babies and children were and will be been brutally murdered by those who are supposed to look after them. Yes, we sacrificed our future!
We got some coverage of the blood contamination because of the medical abduction of a baby in New Zealand, but it isn't enough. Hospitals repeatedly deny the right to bodily autonomy.... We must not let this happen and must band together with the few decent medical professionals. I heard that not all medical personnel were in agreement about what happened to Baby Will in the hospital.
What happened week by week, can be found in my Sunday Weekly Reviews, which can be found below. Don’t forget support my work by so please →