2020 - Stay Home To Save Granny, 2022 - Granny Must Freeze To Death
“Courage. Kindness. Friendship. Character. These are the qualities that define us as human beings, and propel us, on occasion, to greatness.” ~ R.J. Palacio, Wonder
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Remember how everyone was locked up to save the elderly.... "Stay at home, save Granny" was plastered all over the news. We all know that Granny didn't need to be saved, and that being lonely killed her. In 2022, governments came up with an even “better” way to get rid of the “useless people”, as Historian Yuval Noah Harari, an advisor to Klaus Schwab, refers to anyone who can't bring any money to society like for example the elders. The solution for Elites this time is simple but efficient: make life unbearable by increasing the prices of everything even when there is no need for it. “That is due to an energy shortage”, you hear everywhere.... But why now, and how, when there is no energy shortage? Politicians such as EU President Ursula von der Leyen, who acts like an authoritarian dictator of the EU, go so far as to declare that "there is a global scarcity of energy." They obviously believe they can do anything to us if they tell such an obvious lie.
The energy problem is fabricated. It is obvious to anyone with a little brain. Most of the EU countries for example closed their fully functional nuclear facilities for no particular reason. Russian gas is still reaching markets that sanction Russia, but at a much greater price (of course). All energy-supply companies make a great amount of money because of it. I'm sure many politicians as well. All of this leads to bankruptcies and poverty.
My friend and fellow anzi-narrative activist Howard R. Steen sums it up perfectly: "Technology, if it is being used properly should be making energy cheaper but the opposite is true. We are heading back to the stone ages it seems."
Yes, it is shocking but true. People who have worked their entire lives are suddenly unable to pay for heating, food, and basic necessities. They are forced to live as if they were in the Stone Age, isolated and hoping for the death to come quickly. Such as this German lady.
Hello, my name is Rita Falk. I am 62 years old. I've worked my whole life and made money. Now I don't know how to pay my gas bills this winter. How can that be?
After a long working life, I would never have expected to find myself in such a situation, but I can no longer keep up with the rapidly increasing prices. So I will stop using gas from November 1st. It's amazing how far things have come in this country.
There is simply no reason to charge such prices! Putin didn't raise the gas prices that much, the German energy companies are doing it on their own. It's a good opportunity to make a real profit. This is price usury! And not with luxury goods, but with essential things. Wasn't there a law against it?
No, I'm neither right-wing nor an AfD voter - I never will be. I'm a completely normal German, politically interested and educated, more green-social. But things can't go on the way they are. https://tinyurl.com/yc6kanxr
Yes, it is not because of Putin. He even warned Germans in 2010 not to rely on Russia and to develop their nuclear power sector. Instead, they, along with the majority of EU countries, eliminated all energy self-sufficiency.

Read about the similar experiences of two British women.
She’s given up red meat and is worried about the price of chicken and fish. She hunts for bargains in the supermarket and keeps herself busy in the evening so she doesn’t have to think about the hunger.
‘It takes me back to my childhood when I was always hungry, I was so thin, because we were four kids and there was never enough food,’ she remembers. ‘We were used to that then – it was post war. But it’s now the 21st century, and here we are.
‘I have the constant worry of how I will pay for everything. I’ve worked since the day I left school at 16. As you get older, you should be able to expect warmth and comfort. I couldn’t wait to retire; I thought it would be a pleasant time. Instead, it’s been a nightmare.’
Yvonne Bailey from Oxfordshire https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11434813/Im-pensioner-afford-eat-cost-living-crisis.html
My stomach starts churning. My mind goes round, my head is twisting,’ says Felicity, who is going under a pseudonym. ‘It’s scary when you have a panic attack on your own. But you just have to wait it out. I can’t go back to sleep after that.’ The cost-of-living crisis has left the pensioner cold, lonely and fearful – and dreading the winter. She lives on £250 pension and benefits a week, all of which flies out as soon as it comes in.
Felicity, whose osteo and rheumatoid arthritis leave her battling constant pain, says: ‘I don’t have the heating on much, but I do need it on to warm up. Otherwise, I get stiff and I get stuck. It’s painful.
You don’t think at 77 that you’re going to have all these problems. I’d imagined a retirement where I would be comfortable, warm, where I could see my kids and my grandkids. I’ve got none of that.
It’s like living in lockdown. But with that, we knew it was going to come to an end. How are these bills going to come to an end? What can you do when you are elderly and disabled? It’s scary.’
Rita, Yvonne, and Felicity are likely most of the elderly or disabled in many of the nations impacted by the so-called sanctions against Russia, which are again unrelated to the conflict in Ukraine. You did not save granny by being obedient; instead, you let her die alone, and now you will kill the rest of her kind by doing the same.
Of course, there is a way to have environmentally friendly energy, but money is wasted on inefficient and harmful to the environment solar, wind, and other nonsense.

For the time being, nuclear energy is the most environmentally friendly and efficient option. While oil and coal are not environmentally friendly, there are solutions to reduce their impact.
As someone who has done research on how to clean up the environment using bioremediation, I can state that. Bioremediation is a technique used by the ancient Romans, however it is now virtually ignored.Take a look at my explanation https://blog.oup.com/2018/10/bioremediation-microorganisms-clean-up-the-environment/
So much of our money (since all comes from taxes) were wasted also on fueling the farce of the last two years and the crisis in Ukraine, rather than strengthening the energy sector, investing in bioremediation, and assisting ordinary Europeans who have been forced to stay in the dark and cold.
Deborah's tweet is spot on!

My question to my fellow humans is, "Is this the meaning of life?" Going backwards? Only thinking about yourself and hoping for Superman?” We cannot survive by isolating ourselves from one another. We must unite and restore humanity.
I suggest a simple solution.
Get together and find the people responsible for the problem. I am opposed to violence so simply go to their offices and inform them that they are no longer employed by you. Yes, as a taxpayer, you are their boss! Find representatives to deal with energy companies. Negotiate reasonable pricing. Your fate is in your own hands. You are not a cattle!
Remember this!
The government has no authority. Government exists solely to serve us.
When government acts like authority instead providing service, then it is an authoritarian regime.
Definition of authoritarian regime: demanding or enforcing stringent submission to authority at the expense of personal freedom.
Now share widely!
Then perhaps you will instantly save granny and prevent children to become organ donors for the Elites.
And last but not least, Christmas is right around the corner, but for many people, it's just another nightmare. They won't be able to celebrate, visit their families, or enjoy the joy of the open-to-all Christmas markets this year.You can do something about it if your finances are a little better. Actually, it is more about time than money.